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About This File

I was very bored and I decided to add Notes to the stunning overlays @soqueroeu made! (Thanks for sharing ;))  

I think this will help people load and run games mostly from Tapes and Floppies. when using MAME along Software Lists. 



Just add all .zip files to /MAME/artwork/ folder. Make sure the name is the same as the used machine.


Inside every .zip file there's:


- A few versions of the overlays (as said before, created by @soqueroeu). 

- An example of the overlay with Instructions.

- A settings.txt with instructions to setup the overlay.


NOTE: Key Combinations are done with a Spanish Keyboard Layout. Probably won't match yours exactly,  and you'll have to find the ones that matches your Keyboard. (Tip: You can see the corresponding keys on "Input Assignments (this system)", on MAME Menu.




NOTE2: My english is far from perfect, and probably there will be some mistakes. Feel free to let me know if is there something wrong. 

Thanks and enjoy!

Acorn Archimedes.png

Acorn BBC Micro.png

Apple I.png

Canon X-07.png

Fujitsu FM-7.png

Mattel Aquarius.png

What's New in Version 1.5.0   See changelog


Some minor fixes.

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  • Unusual Gem 1

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