About This File
I was very bored and I decided to add Notes to the stunning overlays @soqueroeu made! (Thanks for sharing )
I think this will help people load and run games mostly from Tapes and Floppies. when using MAME along Software Lists.
Just add all .zip files to /MAME/artwork/ folder. Make sure the name is the same as the used machine.
Inside every .zip file there's:
- A few versions of the overlays (as said before, created by @soqueroeu).
- An example of the overlay with Instructions.
- A settings.txt with instructions to setup the overlay.
NOTE: Key Combinations are done with a Spanish Keyboard Layout. Probably won't match yours exactly, and you'll have to find the ones that matches your Keyboard. (Tip: You can see the corresponding keys on "Input Assignments (this system)", on MAME Menu.
NOTE2: My english is far from perfect, and probably there will be some mistakes. Feel free to let me know if is there something wrong.
Thanks and enjoy!