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Game Title - Alternate Name


Inspired from a comment by @AstroBob (December 2024)


"Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to bulk set additional names across multiple games"
"...given the lack of a way to bulk change alternate names, there isn’t an efficient method to update these in bulk."

Challenge accepted. 😎

Some (many?) games have Alternate Names and are saved as such when metadata is scraped from the LaunchBox Games Database.  These are generally used for different Regions.

Using this plugin, you can bulk change the game Titles in a Platform to an Alternate Name found for a selected Region.

Requires LaunchBox v13.19 (or newer)

Download and extract the contents of the download into your /LaunchBox/Plugins/ folder.
    i.e.  D:/LaunchBox/Plugins/GameTitle-AlternateName/GameTitle-AlternateName.dll


  • Start LaunchBox
  • From the Tools menu, select Game Title - Alternate Name
  • Select a Platform
  • Select a Region
  •     Only possible Alternate Name Regions for games in that platform will be shown.
  •     If the Alternate Name doesn't have a Region. it will be listed as [Blank]
  • Click Change Titles

If a game doesn't have an Alternate Name for the selected Region, nothing will change for that game.

If any of the games have more than one Alternate Name for the selected Region, you have the option to:

  1.     (default) manually select the Title for each game having more than one Title for that Region
  2.     (optional) replace the game Title with the 1st one it finds for the selected Region (check Select First Title)


If you didn't check Select First Title (default):

  • When clicking Change Titles, after the games that had a single Title for the Region are updated, you will be shown a list of games that have multiple Titles for the selected region.
  • Select a game, then double-click the Title you wish to use.



Updates (internet connection required)
If an (U)pdate for this plugin has been released on the forums,

  • The plugin title in the Tools menu will show as: (U) Game Title - Alternate Name (The addition of (U) at the beginning)
  • At the top of the plugin window, it will show "Update available"

Click the Info/Support icon, then click the Update Available button. This will open the plugins download page in your default browser.


As always, all thoughts, views, opinions, suggestions, requests and comments and welcome.

"Be good Humans."  (Brian Phelps)

What's New in Version 1.1.0   See changelog


New Feature:    Reset game Titles in selected Platform to their Default Names

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User Feedback

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Warped Polygon


Hell yeah, for the win! Another massive time saver from Joe. 

  • Like 1


Amazing one!

Would it be possible to add the option to always update the game title with the default/main title from the LB games database regardless of the region?

This way we could update the game library and force the main title instead of scraping using some of the alternate ones.

  • Thanks 1


41 minutes ago, Tempest said:

Amazing one!

Would it be possible to add the option to always update the game title with the default/main title from the LB games database regardless of the region?

This way we could update the game library and force the main title instead of scraping using some of the alternate ones.

That's pretty much outside of the scope of this plugin's intent.

But might be within the realm of this one:




3 hours ago, JoeViking245 said:

That's pretty much outside of the scope of this plugin's intent.

But might be within the realm of this one:


Yes, I was talking about that one.

That would be a cool feature to add :)

  • Like 1


27 minutes ago, Tempest said:

Yes, I was talking about that one.

That would be a cool feature to add :)

Cool.  So you got 2 options.  Use the plugin. Or request a feature (Feedback - LaunchBox), hope others agree and wait. ;) 


  • Like 1


13 hours ago, JoeViking245 said:

Cool.  So you got 2 options.  Use the plugin. Or request a feature (Feedback - LaunchBox), hope others agree and wait. ;) 


Thanks for your feedback :)

So I've tested the plugin by selecting the Blank option plus checking Select First Title to see if that would result in the outcome I was looking for.

And in some cases it does. From what I can tell, it selects from the available Blank titles in alphabetical order, which also includes the default/main title from the LB games database.

Also, I don't know if that was supposed to happen but when you change the titles using the plugin it will create a duplicate alternate title for that game.



10 minutes ago, Tempest said:

Thanks for your feedback :)

First off, I must sincerely apologize.  I swear we were on a different thread for a different plugin when I first replied to your initial request. (guess that's what I get for trying to multitask with multiple tabs open. 😊)


40 minutes ago, Tempest said:

So I've tested the plugin by selecting the Blank option plus checking Select First Title to see if that would result in the outcome I was looking for.

And in some cases it does. From what I can tell, it selects from the available Blank titles in alphabetical order, which also includes the default/main title from the LB games database.

Also, I don't know if that was supposed to happen but when you change the titles using the plugin it will create a duplicate alternate title for that game.

Some games have multiple alternate Titles that have no Region associated with them.  i.e. Halo: Combat Evolved (default), Halo 1 (alt, no region), Halo CE (alt, no region).  When choosing to Select First Title, honestly I think it's coincidence that they're grabbed alphabetically.  But there's so few to choose from, it's hard to say.

Before changing a games Title, the plugin adds the existing Title to its Alternate Names list if it doesn't already exist there.  Thought being, so it doesn't get lost (i.e. you wanted to revert back).  But it shouldn't end up with duplicates listed under Alternate Names.  'Duplicates' being case-sensitive.  'Joe' and 'JOE' is not considered a duplicate. However what it doesn't do is remove the 'new Title' from the Alternate Titles list once applied (I debated back-and-forth on this, sticking with the 'safe route').  Making an available Alternate Title a duplicate of the game's [now] Main Title.  Hopefully that's what you're seeing.  If that's not it, please let me know and I'll dig into it further.


[long, boring background details left out...]

I have on my list to look into restructuring this plugin to make use of the 'new' metadata database file making it so that it will no longer have to rely on per-game downloaded metadata.   aka, Alternate and Default Tiles will come "straight from the horse's mouth".  This will also allow me to add an option to "update the game title with the default/main title from the LB games database".  :D

No promises on how soon (or not) this may take place.

  • Like 1


18 hours ago, JoeViking245 said:

First off, I must sincerely apologize.  I swear we were on a different thread for a different plugin when I first replied to your initial request. (guess that's what I get for trying to multitask with multiple tabs open. 😊)

No worries :)


18 hours ago, JoeViking245 said:

Some games have multiple alternate Titles that have no Region associated with them.  i.e. Halo: Combat Evolved (default), Halo 1 (alt, no region), Halo CE (alt, no region).  When choosing to Select First Title, honestly I think it's coincidence that they're grabbed alphabetically.  But there's so few to choose from, it's hard to say.

I have to do some more testing, but yeah, it can be some strange coincidence.


18 hours ago, JoeViking245 said:

Before changing a games Title, the plugin adds the existing Title to its Alternate Names list if it doesn't already exist there.  Thought being, so it doesn't get lost (i.e. you wanted to revert back).  But it shouldn't end up with duplicates listed under Alternate Names.  'Duplicates' being case-sensitive.  'Joe' and 'JOE' is not considered a duplicate. However what it doesn't do is remove the 'new Title' from the Alternate Titles list once applied (I debated back-and-forth on this, sticking with the 'safe route').  Making an available Alternate Title a duplicate of the game's [now] Main Title.  Hopefully that's what you're seeing.  If that's not it, please let me know and I'll dig into it further.

That's probably what I'm seeing - it duplicates the selected title by safely storing it in the alternate titles section.


18 hours ago, JoeViking245 said:

I have on my list to look into restructuring this plugin to make use of the 'new' metadata database file making it so that it will no longer have to rely on per-game downloaded metadata.   aka, Alternate and Default Tiles will come "straight from the horse's mouth".  This will also allow me to add an option to "update the game title with the default/main title from the LB games database".  :D

No promises on how soon (or not) this may take place.

That would be an interesting feature to add :D

Thank you for your support - keep up the amazing work!!

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