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About This File

This is a set of bordered logos from my hyperspin days made by Crylen.  It includes what edits I have personally made for my collection so far (platform and playlist logos), and the full PSD that is organized with folders and layers to easily make further edits and add to it.

Nintendo 64.png

Nintendo Game Boy Advance.png

Nintendo Game Boy.png

Nintendo Virtual Boy.png

PC Games (3).png

Sega Genesis.png

Sega Triforce (1).png

Sega Triforce.png

Sony Playstation 2.png

Sony Playstation Portable.png

Super Nintendo Entertainment System.png

Arcade Hacks.png

Best of the Arcade - Beat Em Ups.png

Best of the Arcade - SHMUPS.png

Best of the Arcade - Vs. Fighters.png

Legend Of Zelda Timeline.png

NES Black Box Collection.png

Playlist - Mario Bros.png

Playlist - Pac-Man (desatch bg).png

What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


Updated Photoshop file and Image files.  CPS-1,2,3 and Teknoparrot.

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