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File Comments posted by TheNewClassics

  1. Works well, thanks oblivion. General question: for Infinity specifically, is the plugin supposed to import every game for a platform, or just the games installed? I just had one Flash game installed, and it imported the entire Flash platform. That's probably how it's supposed to work, but figured I'd check with you. Thanks again

  2. Hey oblivion, thanks for the great plugin. 2 quick questions.

    There doesn't seem to be a checkbox for when the option to Turn off "Extreme" games is clicked. I don't think there's a way for the end user to know if the option is checked or not.

    I also tried the tool with Infinity 8.2. However the program is giving me an error saying there isn't a valid FP install, or the version won't work with the tool. Does it need to be pointed to a different location if using Infinity?

  3. 10.7 beta 4, and Windows 10. Ok, I'll try a couple. Should a file be created after the first playthrough? I'll try running a couple different games.



    Tried a couple, still nothing in the Playtime Tracker folder, and nothing showing up in LB/BB.

  4. Thanks for making this, appreciate it big time. For some reason, it doesn't seem to work for me. I extract the file to the Plugins folder, and check properties; it's not giving me any option to unblock (it's not there). When I go into LB/BB the Playtime stat isn't there. When I right click on a title, at the bottom the Reset Playtime option is grayed out. I've launched games and noticed there's a folder for Playtime Tracker in the plugins folder created, but it remains empty. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

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