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Son Gokuu

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  1. How could I import ScummVM games using Scummvm.exe instead ScummvmLauncher.exe as an emulator, for being able to use the command line? And no using .bat I know that I can import games clicking on adding, choosing the name of the game and the platform (ScummVM) and choosing the tab "ScummVM" (checking "Use ScummVM only for this game") But this is without configuring ScummVM as an emulator so I cannot write a command line for the "portable" ScummVM.ini
  2. I read that Mame emulate it, but I'm not able to run them with retroarch (mame core 0.220) and I have the BIOS in \system
  3. Hello! I'm new with Daphne and I've done the EtaPrime's Tutorial for adding these games for Launchbox. My "sentence" for the bat is simple: "Daphne.exe %1 vldp -fullscreen -x 1920 -y 1080 -framefile "..\..\Roms\Daphne\%1\%1.txt" But the game appears minimized and the focus is on the CMD window. I've tried to configure the shortcut from the .bat as the emulator with the "start minimized" setting but nothing happens. Still CMD is on focus. The emulator is minimized at the right bottom corner, as I said :l Edit: I have configured a .bat specifically for the Dragon's Lair game, and run it directly, it comes out full screen. Launched from Launchbox, as before the CMD appears on focus and the game minimized.
  4. Do you know if it is possible running Dolphin with a Japanese game, with only a command? I'll explain myself: My Dolphin is setted for my language (Spanish), and it runs EUR and NTSC-U games without problem. But I have to change the language to Japanese in order to run japanese games. Could I be able to do that without changing every single time manually? Only with a paremeter setted in the japanese games?
  5. Edit: Working!
  6. I did what you say changing my resolution to 2736x1824 and the other points but my FBA now shows this message: "problem setting '1368x912x22bpp (60Hz)' display mode"..
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