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Everything posted by CutTheRug

  1. Okay, will do! Thanks!
  2. Can I just edit the XML so my username appears in the corner of the LaunchBox app?
  3. Hi @gspawn I was wondering if you could teach me how to create transparencies for the colorful theme. I can sort of do it but I can't figure out how to keep the reflection and shadow layer. Thanks for any help.
  4. Okay, I think I figured it out, and sorry if I didn't explain myself correctly. I think in the past a user named @eatkinola made a theme based on your nostalgia video set that was also called Nostalgia [https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/41137-nostalgia/]. I think this theme used still images from your resource files, but with a transparent screen. Then within the screen, it would only play videos from your own launch box library. I'll ask in the resource thread to see if anyone can help me insert games from my launchbox library into the television somehow. I'm trying to do it myself on Davinci Resolve, but I can't seem to figure out how to get the new videos below the reflection and drop shadow layers. I'm probably using the alpha channel wrong, but I don't really know how to do this stuff haha. Thanks again for all your amazing contributions!
  5. There used to be a version of these platform themes that played the videos from your library on the TV instead of the default videos. Has that been remade. I couldn't seem to find it in the official or recommended community assets. I think they were made by @eatkinola. Maybe I'm getting it mixed up. Sorry.
  6. I'm about to wipe and setup launchbox again. Any tips on importing libraries these days? I think I'll have MAME and FBN + other arcades, retro consoles, and even modern libraries such as GOG, and Epic. I plan on using the Colorful theme in big box. Also any thoughts on images? I typically try to get everything from emu movies, but is the launchbox image library preferred? I think I want to display either flat covers or those newer 3D boxart recreations that have the fake plastic over the art like on sega genesis games. Any other cool little things I should know about that are a staple in your set ups? Thanks!
  7. Hi, looking for a video game loving web dev. I have a wiki-like video game site that I'm looking to be built basically from the ground up. I've looked on fiverr and upwork, but I think it's important to actually have a passion for gaming when working on this project. I've never done anything like this before, so please don't be offended by my ignorance if we end up working together. Feel free to DM me here and we can discuss the scope of the project. Thanks!
  8. More hexes that fixed some other consoles for me. NES = #ba2f42 Saturn = #5a79d9 N64 = #1ab761 Thanks for the website suggestion carthage.
  9. I am using VLC I tried windows media player, but it was way worse haha. I think almost all my colors are slightly off, but some are worse than others. NES, ATOMISWAVE, SCUMMVM, GENESIS, NEOGEO CD, & PS3 are not matching for me. Carthage figured out genesis, it's #b72d2e.
  10. Thanks Carthage I'll keep an eye out for your post!
  11. Dude, that color was perfect for genesis. I wonder why we're getting that issue. If you ever get the chance would you be able to figure out the NeoGeo CD, ScummVM, and the ATOMISWAVE colors? I've attached them if that helps. Thanks so much. Now I don't have to go crazy guessing anymore on sega. We should try to netplay sometime. DM me if you're ever trying to hit something multiplayer and need 1 more.
  12. I figured out how to change this. I'll post when I get home. Off the top if my head you need to change the platformview.xaml, but now I'm getting a different issue where the videos are a slightly different color than intended. If I play the sega genesis video in VLC it looks like the left color. When it opens in Bigbox it's that darker red for some reason. It's happening on two others as well. Atomiswave and NES.
  13. Apparently my videos are having some sort of color issue where, SCUMM, Atomiswave, and Sega genesis are all appearing slightly different than they should. I'm using VLC. I tried window media player but the colors were even worse. When I watch the videos outside of BigBox they look fine. It's very strange. Not sure if there's something I need to change in the xaml or something.
  14. I'm having some minor issues with color matching. As you can see I've added a custom platform called CPS so I added a line into the styles axml file. Please let me know what I might be doing wrong here. Thanks. I'm having the same issue with sega Genesis as well. Thank you for any help! EDIT: I'm using the recently released 2.0 Dark Theme
  15. Something similar happened to me too. It worked after I updated launchbox, updated the theme, and restarted my computer. Hope that helps, but maybe your problem is different.
  16. Thank you for the reply! and thank you so much for the theme! I don't mind that it skips I just thought I'd share in case it was causing other issues. I'm excited for the future view. Thanks again!
  17. I can't remember when I started having this issue but I figured it would go away with a future update. Since I'm now on LB 10.7 and Colorful 1.0 I thought I would share since it's still happening. Videos seem to lag for a half second during the initial animation startup. It definitely didn't do this when I first installed the theme, and I don't think it's my computer since I'm running it from an NVME M.2 and I have a GTX 1070 with 5820k CPU as well. Also using VLC. It doesn't do it when using Windows Media Player, but the animation is super fast instead and I prefer the slower wiping effect. Anyway, I'm sure it's just some setting I have wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If this matters my monitor is 1440p @144hrz
  18. Thanks, I'll give it a try!
  19. I noticed that if a game scrapes incorrectly the first time, it doesn't change the notes or star rating once you fix it. I've attached an image where FFVII originally scraped as ReBoot, and kept some info once it was corrected. I just added this game about a week ago so it was on LB 10+
  20. Thank you for the reply!! Here is a picture of what's happening when displayed on my 1080p monitor. My guess is that you're right and it has something to do with multiple monitors. I'm also using VLC and have the latest .NET so I have no idea what happened with the memory overload. It was definitely LB related but probably not the specific theme. I did think of one more thing while scrolling through COLORFUL yesterday. Some videos displayed on the GBC have really bad FPS. I think it must be the videos from emumovies (if thats where u get them). Maybe they've updated them, but Zelda, Wario, and mario tennis all look strange. The only reason I mention it is because everything is so perfect that it kind of stands out. Thanks again and have a good day!
  21. First of all, thank you so much for this theme. It's so clean and fun to use. I can't wait to see what you do with the other view ideas. I really appreciate the time and effort you have put into creating this and sharing it for all of us to use. I'm not positive, but there might be a memory leak or something like it. I was in the theme for a while testing views (using 'V' on my keyboard) and switching platforms when launchbox crashed. Then when I tried to relaunch the program it said my PC was out of memory and it couldn't continue. The only other thing I had open was youtube in chrome and discord. This has never happened before, but maybe it was something else. If crash logs are stored I can post it if needed. I just don't know where they are. Two other little things, the theme doesn't display the same between different resolution monitors. For some reason the platform videos don't center when shifting to the right on my 1080p monitors, but they look fine on my 1440p. It's not a big deal for me but maybe some 1080p users will have issues. Okay, last one thing, I think the game videos can be shrunk a little since the top and bottom appears to be slightly cut off. Not sure if that was intended, but I thought I'd mention it since I didn't notice it at first. (This is also severely affected by using a 1080p monitor). Thank you again!!
  22. Oh nice! I didn't know that. You're the man!
  23. Amazing work as usual @viking!! Maybe you and @eatkinola can chat about getting these to work with your game list once you select a platform. I love seeing my library appear on the different screens as I scroll. It's such a nice feature. Again, incredible work. Thank you @viking! I hope I don't sound demanding, it's just pure excitement!
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