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  1. There is already an option for banner view in platforms. It would be great if an option for banners was added to games as well. I have no problems creating the banners myself (or editing/adding from the net), i just need that view option to do so. Great work so far on the android version.
  2. Strange that the banner image isn't showing up for you, there is a banner image for "ALL GAMES", and it's showing up just fine for me. Maybe reinstall or clear cache/data? Btw i'd love to have a banner theme for the actual games (i can set it up manually even, no biggie on that), cause i just saw some cool sonic mania banners online for the 3ds, think a banner theme for games view would be awesome.
  3. And as for vice versa, some prefer to build/load previous cores that have been deprecated into Retroarch for Android, just cause they aren't available for download anymore doesn't mean that they can't still be sideloaded, i assume that's why those choices are there.
  4. Right analog stick scrolls fast if that's what you're looking for.
  5. Thing is, i made/edited a good number of missing images (mostly clear logos) for various games in various systems and i want to contribute those to LB database but there's no easy way for me to know which games i made those for. I wonder if there's any way to compare existing images with those in LB database and get a list of those not matching or missing so i know that they are the ones i need to contribute, and if not could it be implemented? Thank you in advance.
  6. Well, didn't run integrity checks, but i do often look at S.M.A.R.T data on crystal disk info, all the drives are fine in that aspect. I think i found the culprit tho, when i remove the data folder it runs fine so it could be getting into problems on loading platforms/playlists, will look into it, thanks for the help tho.
  7. On the fresh install, not as much, it works 9/10 times.
  8. Ran it now, didn't find anything. Strange, every time it seems slightly different log, in this one, for example it can't access "Visited Links"? Debug 2020-03-31 12-24-45 PM.log
  9. Sure. Windows 7 64-bit. D:\Emulators and Roms\Launchbox. Not set to run as Admin. Here's another log (shorter this time), Debug 2020-03-31 02-59-13 PM.log
  10. So iv'e been having startup issues ever since i started using LB/BB a little over a year ago, been living with it ever since but i decided to try and seek help in troubleshooting. Uploaded the log. Basically, it mostly takes me multiple tries before i'm able to get LB/BB to start, lot of them ether giving me absolutely no error message (LB icon in taskbar just appears and disappears and BB just finishes the startup video and just stays black where i have to force close it), or giving me the clr20r3 error. Updated net framework to 4.8, even tried repair a few times but the issue is still there. Any help is greatly appreciated. Debug 2020-03-31 12-25-31 PM.log
  11. Well i too already reverted to the older version, i can confirm what you said about deletions, but i don't think i tried to edit a game. For me it actually is an issue for deletions as i'm currently sorting trough the mame 0.216 romset (about 5.5k games as i remember? excluding non-working ofcourse), and deleting anything i already have in the arcade classics section, so i do a lot of deletions.
  12. Second this, happens on both the new and old theme.
  13. Second this,
  14. Think it might be something more as i get this even after fresh restart (clean launch), but this has been going on for a long (4-5 months) while now so no biggie, might be cause i'm running a pre-built setup, who knows. Bigbox also mimics Launchbox as sometimes i have to launch it two/three times for it to actually show up and load.
  15. @IronFistZilla Tried launching multiple times? My launchbox does crash often w/o error message just shows the loading screen once and vanishes but it gets things right after 2 or 3 tries.
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