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Everything posted by bobix86

  1. There is already an option for banner view in platforms. It would be great if an option for banners was added to games as well. I have no problems creating the banners myself (or editing/adding from the net), i just need that view option to do so. Great work so far on the android version.
  2. Strange that the banner image isn't showing up for you, there is a banner image for "ALL GAMES", and it's showing up just fine for me. Maybe reinstall or clear cache/data? Btw i'd love to have a banner theme for the actual games (i can set it up manually even, no biggie on that), cause i just saw some cool sonic mania banners online for the 3ds, think a banner theme for games view would be awesome.
  3. And as for vice versa, some prefer to build/load previous cores that have been deprecated into Retroarch for Android, just cause they aren't available for download anymore doesn't mean that they can't still be sideloaded, i assume that's why those choices are there.
  4. Right analog stick scrolls fast if that's what you're looking for.
  5. Thing is, i made/edited a good number of missing images (mostly clear logos) for various games in various systems and i want to contribute those to LB database but there's no easy way for me to know which games i made those for. I wonder if there's any way to compare existing images with those in LB database and get a list of those not matching or missing so i know that they are the ones i need to contribute, and if not could it be implemented? Thank you in advance.
  6. Well, didn't run integrity checks, but i do often look at S.M.A.R.T data on crystal disk info, all the drives are fine in that aspect. I think i found the culprit tho, when i remove the data folder it runs fine so it could be getting into problems on loading platforms/playlists, will look into it, thanks for the help tho.
  7. On the fresh install, not as much, it works 9/10 times.
  8. Ran it now, didn't find anything. Strange, every time it seems slightly different log, in this one, for example it can't access "Visited Links"? Debug 2020-03-31 12-24-45 PM.log
  9. Sure. Windows 7 64-bit. D:\Emulators and Roms\Launchbox. Not set to run as Admin. Here's another log (shorter this time), Debug 2020-03-31 02-59-13 PM.log
  10. So iv'e been having startup issues ever since i started using LB/BB a little over a year ago, been living with it ever since but i decided to try and seek help in troubleshooting. Uploaded the log. Basically, it mostly takes me multiple tries before i'm able to get LB/BB to start, lot of them ether giving me absolutely no error message (LB icon in taskbar just appears and disappears and BB just finishes the startup video and just stays black where i have to force close it), or giving me the clr20r3 error. Updated net framework to 4.8, even tried repair a few times but the issue is still there. Any help is greatly appreciated. Debug 2020-03-31 12-25-31 PM.log
  11. Well i too already reverted to the older version, i can confirm what you said about deletions, but i don't think i tried to edit a game. For me it actually is an issue for deletions as i'm currently sorting trough the mame 0.216 romset (about 5.5k games as i remember? excluding non-working ofcourse), and deleting anything i already have in the arcade classics section, so i do a lot of deletions.
  12. Second this, happens on both the new and old theme.
  13. Second this,
  14. Think it might be something more as i get this even after fresh restart (clean launch), but this has been going on for a long (4-5 months) while now so no biggie, might be cause i'm running a pre-built setup, who knows. Bigbox also mimics Launchbox as sometimes i have to launch it two/three times for it to actually show up and load.
  15. @IronFistZilla Tried launching multiple times? My launchbox does crash often w/o error message just shows the loading screen once and vanishes but it gets things right after 2 or 3 tries.
  16. Confirming that it's good for me. Thanks again
  17. Thanks for all the trouble, the new version was going to add home button support if i read correctly? would be awesome if we could get it on windows 7 but not a necessity as far as i go. Still not upgrading to win 10 until i'm sure it's getting close to win 7 or later glory
  18. No fuss. Both controllers are GameSir G3w, Windows 7 Professional, they work outside of Bigbox and Launchbox but not inside, even though they are enabled.
  19. And third, even restarted, not budging. The problem started from 10.3, hoped it would vanish in 10.4 but nope.
  20. OK, will do, thanks anyway.
  21. Update: Tried running BlazBlue Continuum Shift, it works correctly, but when i try to add player 2 controls, i get zero renspose, tried all 3 (pad_config.exe, ttx_config2.0.exe, typex_config.exe) it doesn't detect the second gamepad when i launch trough launchbox. Oh and i failed to specify, trying to run with Rocket Launcher of course.
  22. Hi, first of all thank you for such a great frontend, and i'd like to thank Coolpipes for making his collection available. Now for my issue, i've downloaded the Launchbox No Intro Taito Type X package, extracted all, but i can't get it to work properly. I've successfully set up NesicaXLive and i've got zero trouble with that, now i didn't test the other games but i've got an issue with BlazBlue Calamity Trigger, namely i extracted everything, and no matter what i do i can't get it to work with launchbox. There's two loaders in the pack (see Screenshot_8.png), i've done a bit of tinkering, and when i load the .bat, it runs w/o errors but when i run it trough launchbox trough the .txt file, the error (Screenshot_7.png) appears. I was able to get it to work with with launchbox w/o the error previously, but it detects only player 1 even though i set up both joysticks trough typex_config.exe. I need help on configuring this to get along with launchbox, i searched somewhat but couldn't find the right solution so i'm writing here. Any help is greatly appreciated. Any logs you need i can attach.
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