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Posts posted by klepp0906

  1. Just now, Retro808 said:

    If you have multiple images for the same type of image in the same folder LB does not save a default favorite. For example if you had a box front image for the same game in the same folder named "Your Game Name-01.jpg" and "Your Game Name-02.jpg". LB will randomize the ones it shows.

    What LB will prioritize is a region specific setting. So if you have a box front image in the main box Front folder and one in a region sub-folder and that region was your specified priority LB would always shows the region image first.

    If you go to our bitbucket site you will probably already find this as a feature request.

    yea, the problem comes when they're both the same region.  I'll have to dig around the bitbucket site.  Save from putting in a double which im sure the team gets plenty of :P

  2. So I just want to check on this before I put in a feature request.

    I have some titles, PS1 titles for example that have 2 types of box front.   Neither are incorrect.   One is the old style when PSX games came in the tall boxes, and one is the newer version where it is more square. 

    For whatever reason launchbox is defaulting to the tall boxes.  this puts me in a position of needing to delete them in order to show the square boxes.  Thats fine, temporarily.   Upon doing a "update metadata & media" scan which one tends to do from time to time, poof - its pulled back down and mucks up the uniformity again.

    It also presents an issue for people who want both styles but want to choose which is displayed.

    What im proposing/hoping for is basically when you open the edit images dialogue that allows you to pan through, you can pan to the one you want to actually display (if it fits your filters - in my case, box-front) and have THAT be whats chosen to display.  Or even a little check box for the chosen one.

    In my case, does not seem to be the way its functioning.  If i do it enough times, it will eventually update but its definitely not consistent and seeing as i havent touched psx in some time and i have a bunch of tall ones again - it certainly reverts. 

  3. lol fortunately i walked away to shower and left the webpage open.   got the notification in my email, so was able to preemptively copy/paste :)



    is it just me or did the "default" theme design in LB change?

    for the longest when nothing with a background was selected, the design was a grey with darker grey or black, diamond plate type texture/pattern.

    Now its just flat grey  (which is fine, i just want to make sure nothing is borked).

    Just updated a barebones LB on a separate pc that I have for testing and/or future use and the result was the same.  So either the beta is mucking up that particular setting/design, or it was intentionally changed.


    bah - "use desktop wallpaper" option now just displays a black background :P

  4. got it now.  3rd times the charm apparently.   

    re-updated again.   this time i attempted to launch a non RA platform first that worked.   Then moved to an RA platform and it worked this time.

    Unsure if the non RA platform had something to do with it, or it was some other wonky business resolved overall with the rolling back/forth but all is right in the world again it seems.

    Apologies for the false alarm!

  5. weird.  absolutely nothing.  just re-rolled forward and did it again. wont launch a game.  it just goes to the startup screen and POOF, goes back to bigbox.

    Thought it was a streaming thing, so immediately hopped back over to my pc and launched outside of steam.   Same result.

    Then i thought it was a bigbox thing, so tried with just launchbox.   Same result.

    rolled back, works.  rolled forward again, no works.   #boggle

  6. 6 minutes ago, neil9000 said:

    He wants to crop the output so as to have a 4:3 output from a 16:9 screen resolution. Obviously his display is 16:9 but he wants OBS to only output the centered 4:3 window. This is possible as i have done it myself, i kept the shader on mine so its still got the shaders built in TV bezel, but it IS a 4:3 crop from a 16:9 image, this video below would normal have a bezel on the sides as well.

    This is how my Retroarch looks normally, with TV speakers as the bezel.

    1123165046_RetroArchScreenshot2020_06.17-00_49_08_67.thumb.png.16f9cff0326a1c469aed3f55a6ff54cc.pngAnd this is how it looks with my cropped recording made with the OBS integration, its not quite right as there is some empty space at the bottom so i need to tweak it, but its a 4:3 cropped output from a 16:9 display.



    WTB your bezel :P

  7. if you end up posting a bounty on bountysource for something, just make sure you post about it here so people see it/can chip in if they're inclined etc.  I cant think of anything specific off the top of my head atm, but if something cropped up i felt would be useful id certainly add to the pile.   perhaps a wiiu importer to parse rpx files to save a lot of handwork (for future generations or if catastrophe ever strikes god forbid, since mines been done by hand already) :P

  8. Just caught wind of this today.  Had no idea as I purchased it purely to support the team.  Now I can remove it from my shield. 

    that being said, does nobody stream?  I launch big box through the steam link app and poof.  I have the big box experience on my tv or smart device. 

    I “think” this is even possible outside the network, connections withstanding.  Steam remote play is really robust.  There’s even moonlight if you want to use Nvidias gamestream. 

    Wouldn’t know though.  I’m old.  I don’t leave and if I do it’s certainly not to sit on a curb and bust out my phone for some retro gaming.  WTB time machine. 

  9. the above sort of works.  it still appears but it disappears a bit quicker.  Seems like this may be a situation solved by either the dolphin dev hiding that atrocious window, or having to close the process (which to be fair is done by default with LB to address the same issue with pcsx2 without any report of it causing problems) so it very well may not present one with dolphin (as far as sram saves go).

    Dont know as i havent tested yet.   But if it flushes immediately then its irrelevant.  Thats the ideal, but some platforms write to sram for scratch and thus flushing immediately would be constantly writing.  Not ideal especially for folks running off ssds and the like.   Seems its up to the platform and as such emulators implementation as to how its handled.

    Me, im just trying to be proactive so I dont inadvertently lose a save in the future then go awww i should have used winclose instead of closing the process.

    Thank you for sharing that ^

  10. So ive recently ran into some trouble using the generic shutdown ahk

    Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}}

    Its left me with cases of saves not being written.  It led me to change to using

    WinClose, ahk_exe

    which has solved the issue.  The problem im now running up against is using it with dolphin.  Upon exiting with the aforementioned, I get a small square in the center of my screen as the Dolphin window shrinks down with the "shutting down" overlay on it.   Normal dolphin behavior, and exactly what you'd want to see to know it is in fact shutting down properly.

    Of course this is also absolutely ghastly to a clean polished shutdown experience.

    How can i add to the running ahk script and exit script to continue to use WinClose, but also hide that window?   Best i can tell it uses the same title, class, exe.  I gather theres a way to do it by dimensions but either way its a bit above my simple paygrade :P

  11. i dunno about dead.  i found this thread just now ? 

    +1 for a native playtime tracker.  If a community member can slap together a plugin to do it,  i imagine given the wizards who operate under the hood on this guy, something else has to be getting in the way other than "another thread concluding it was impossible" as its obviously not. 

    i will take an award for 6 month bumping if one exists though!

  12. 1 minute ago, Jason Carr said:

    Hmm, I'm confused why the top and bottom would be cut off. Is part of the screen buried in the cabinet?

    Unfortunately no. For beta releases, it's important to note that they're betas, so that's one thing that I unfortunately can't change.

    Hmm. its not that big of a deal.  Honestly i didnt even realize they indicated they "were" beta releases.

    Ive been dismissive of them for quite some time as at least in the past, it seemed they popped up every single beta version install, but always seemed to be a rehash/repeat/clone of what the last stable version said.

    If they did/do in fact indicate what changed from beta release to beta release, id find them much more valuable and less put off by keeping them around.

    either way, its your ship :)

  13. 1 minute ago, mcfilmmakers said:

    Not everyone does though...

    im not asking for it to be shut down lol.   Just if a means exists for a user to do so, or if not to potentially  have a global toggle put in the settings :P

  14. any way to disable the "whats new in this version" welcome screen you get upon updating?   Disabling for "this version" is adequate if your not on beta releases, but with the frequency of beta releases id love to be able to simple do away with it.  I come here when theres an update if i want to know what changed ^

  15. watching for that wii u importer ^

    fortunately for me, all my games are kept in loadline/externally and im pretty sure cemu pulls the update/dlc data on its own so isnt necessary to import anything from mlc01

    (unless of course you're talking eshop stuff)  fortunately for me as well, i avoided downloadables.  It just becomes too much at that point.   So many platforms with downloadable titles, some doubles from older platforms, cross platform even.   Where does it end.

    keeping it physical retail only is substantially easier (for me).   

    if an exclusive download only game i wanted existed - i just fetched it independently.   Pretty rare for AAA titles in my experience.   

    Trails in the Sky SC for psp was one of them :P

  16. @jayjay question for ya bud.

    launchbox just moved the AHK folder from the root folder to a subfolder called "ThirdParty"

    curious if this is going to break the dll you provided?  I imagine it points TO said folder to call the script, and with the location changing,  I have to assume so?

  17. I assume the new high-score features only apply to mame exclusively?  (i use FBNeo).   I ask as im not seeing any scores in the games details list in LB or BB. 

    Any chance we can get use/importation of FBNeo sets at some point to come along for the ride? 

    I try to keep parity between my LB and my RA and Mame in RA can get quite messy and in general I find FBneo superior in a lot of ways.   Even the libretro team recommends  it. 

  18. yea i think what i tended to do is avoid games that come as "bundles" but if its multiple games on one disc, and it was actually released that way - i count it.  Similar to alot of the DS releases, they're 4 in 1 packs but they were all on one cartridge and sold that way so theyre in.

    i go back n forth a lot but probably not worth the trouble for me to change my mind on one, as then i have to do it for all.  Ive put my time in with renaming and gathering matching art for everything (done before i was a LB user, spent aloooot of time on that awfulness)

    so if i changed my mind id have to cull all "combo games" and their artwork from all platforms, and their shortcuts/playlists too.  booo.  Im done,  contrary to what it seems, id actually like to PLAY my games at some point.

    Almost there. 2 more platforms to curate/sort and im done.  

    just in time for my first born to start school.  i get a bit excited just thinking about it!

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