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  1. @Commoduro They just released a new tutorial:
  2. @Saieno Never need to apologize, just take care of yourself and your health first and foremost
  3. Not quite complete?! I politely disagree Thanks for confirming, I didn't know if it was a "me" issue or expected behavior. Again, amazing work can't wait to see where this goes! MSU-1? MD+ ?? OMG So many options lol
  4. @Saieno Hey, noticed there is another great update! I was curious, when I go into Bigbox we don't have the option to update the Theme directly in Bigbox, do we need to redownload the Theme and apply?
    This just gave me a reason to go back to my Big Box build and finally update it with a theme I actually like 100%. The love, detail and time that went into building this out for the community is amazing. I love the support you continue to provide.
  5. Great pack! As of now you are missing "Sky Shark"
  6. I just recently got a RG351P and installed a new theme, and it has a Trophy icon next to games that are linked to and have cheevos enabled. A feature like this in LB/BB would be absolutely amazing as I find I'm going to Retroachievements to determine what game I want to play next. Thanks!
  7. @brigada Excellent work on these! Will you be supporting more Neo Geo 3D box art? NGP Color and NG-CD? The quality here is amazing!
  8. @ronipeterson This looks great! I didn't even know we could have backgrounds in Retroarch. Are we able to set up a background per system core?
  9. @viking DUDE absolutely amazing stuff, I was just about to change over but noticed a few systems I have aren't supported (yet!) Are you planning on doing: PC Engine PC Engine CD? SNES MSU-1?
    Great job, goes very well if the fronts vertical boxes:) Fronts found here everyeone! https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2282-neo-geo-cd-custom-game-cases/
  10. Looks great! I can't find the fronts to match this set on the forum, where'd you get them?? I'd much rather vertical boxes
  11. Just added them to my build, thank you so much Small request - Nintendo MSU-1 would make me very, very happy! Excellent work!
  12. Looks great in the screenshots above,! I installed it and all the text is mushed together, anyway to fix that? **Never mind! Windows is default monitor scale to 300X because it's on a 47". I can't down scale it thought or else I can't use anything else
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