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Everything posted by okamigen108

  1. Hello. I tried the new Update and it is really great. The MAME/Arcade Theme brought back some Memories. The Steam/Windows Theme is simple, but like it too. But if I go to the Bottom to the last games, it only shows half of the Boxart. In my Photo the black boxes are just missing Boxarts. Right now, I´m still adding Custom BAs. That´s all for now and thanks for the hard work for giving us such a great Theme.
  2. Looks really great and no Problem. Glad I could help.
  3. Gla you liked it 😁
  4. Hello again. Now it´s really perfect. I have no Issues and have alot of fun with this Theme. Also I made a Custom Wheelbox for Playstation, because of the Region differences. After I finished it, I thought some other EU/PAL PS1 Gamer (who uses your Theme) would also like it. Because I found the "Edge" (Sorry had to use Googletranslator, so I don´t know if it´s the correct Name for that) Online, I Am NOT the official Creator. Hope you like it. The Silent Hill is just a example made by phenix14000
  5. Thank you very much, that helped.
  6. Hello. First of all this is really a great Theme and I love it. But there is a small request about Super Nintendo EU. I read the Comments, where someone requested with the EU, but I´m also from the EU but I don´t want to have it on. I just want to have it as Super Nintendo. I know it´s nitpicky and I´m really sorry for that. If it´s easyier for you If I can change it in the Files. Thank you in Advance.
  7. Yes, the Jewel Cases is the Problem Also Thank you. They look great.
  8. Hello There. Your Theme is really great. I really love the variety of the Console Themes The only Issue I have right now, are The Views 1 + 3. This happens ONLY in PS1 with the CD Cases in 3D, that i get slowdowns. Maybe it´s Bigbox or my PC. I also got a simple request, if it´s ok of course. Could you please add the Pal Version of the Super Game Boy to the Video Borders? The SNES with the SGB was made by me and I hope it´s good enough (because you can see he age on the picture) The other Picture I found on the net. If not, than it´s also OK
  9. I know it´s a bit late, but I recently had also the idea. As of right now, I am creating my own Box Art for the Super Game Boy. But I don´t now what could be good as a Box Art One is Game Boy Style and the other SNES. What do you think?
  10. Hello. I recently got my License for Big Box and I just wanted to change the Thme, but it always freezes. In Taskmanager it always says "No Reaction" I waited for more than 20 Minutes but nothing happened. I put everything in the Theme Folder and still it happens.
  11. Thank You, that helped.
  12. Hello there. I recently found the perfect PS1 Emulator for me, the Duckstation in Retroarch. But because I want to play PAL and NTSC Games I have to switch in Retroarch the Region and restart. So my Question: Is there a Commandline for LB/BB that can that ease this up for me? I thank in advance
  13. Thanks for the response @sundogak and sorry for my late response. My exact problem would be like this: 1) When I start the Emulator 2) I have to choose One of 2 Super Gameboy Roms Which the Files inside this folder , will look like this: 3) After I chose a File (to play either SGB 1 or 2) I choose the Gameboy game I want, that would look like this: So now I want to emulate similar in Launchbox. I treid something like this: But in the End, everything still won´t start the Game, it´s all black I hope this helps better, than my original post.
  14. Hello. Before I start, I want to apoligize my Bad English here. I try my best to write it as best as I could. I want to use BSNES (V115) as a Base for my Super Gameboy Games. I don´t want to use Retroarch because the Stand Alone BSNES can only play every sound in Donke Kong 94 and in RA it couldn´t. (Pauline missing Scream for Help and the End Credits song is Missing) Can someone please tell me how to put the Commandlines in LB, so that I can play directly insteadt of going in BSNES from Folder to Folder to play. I can´t find it online, only for Retroarch. Thank you
  15. It may not be the Pal Version, but I hope it works too, even if its in English Super Mario World (USA).pdf
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