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Everything posted by stino2004

  1. reset theme to defaults and it seems to have fixed the issue.
  2. removed existing themes folder and redownload but still can't get games to show vertical. Platform images will display vertical but games are stuck in horizontal no matter what view I pick.
  3. is there anyway to pass the actual value of the "%romfile%" launchbox variable to an AHK script via the Additional Apps feature? I'm trying to use an AHK script to launch DemulShooter and my 2 lightgun processes but need to pass the "rom name" into my ahk script for DemulShooter but I get the literal value of %romfile% instead of the rom name. Any help would be greatly appreciated. #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. Process, Exist, Lightgun.exe If (!ErrorLevel = 0) { Process,Close,Lightgun.exe sleep, 1000 } for n, param in A_Args ; For each parameter: { MsgBox Parameter number %n% is %param%. } Run, C:\emulators\SindenLightGun\SindenGunBlack\SindenLightgunWindowsSoftware\SindenLightgun\Lightgun.exe Sleep, 500 Run, C:\emulators\SindenLightGun\SindenGunBlue\SindenLightgunWindowsSoftware\SindenLightgun\Lightgun.exe Sleep, 500 Run C:\emulators\DemulShooter\DemulShooter.exe -target=%1% -rom=%2% Sleep, 5000 Send, !b
  4. can't seem to get the vertical games to to ever display, only horzontal wheels appear even after multiple image cache refreshes.
  5. Yeah, i can get it to switch between the 3 modes without issue if I do the key combinations manually but can't get it to switch modes correctly via the command line or ahk scripts. https://www.ultimarc.com/control-interfaces/mini-pac-en/mini-pac-opti/
  6. can you provide the script/bat file you used? I have been trying to switch back and forth between keyboard and xinput mode depending on the emulator/launch game but have not been able to get it to work correctly.
  7. do you have any examples of the AHK scripts you used to map the keyboard inputs into xinput? I've been trying to use ipac profiles to switch between xinput and keyboard modes for my minipac but haven't been able to make it work.
  8. I have tried a couple scripts but they don't seem to work. Not sure if the firmware on my controller requires the input to actually come from the device instead of a script or if my scripts are incorrect. I have attached the 3 scripts I created to switch each mode but haven't been able to get them to work. I'm running the latest version ( )of AutoHotKey in 64 bit mode as Administrator. Dinput.ahk Xinput.ahk Keyboard.ahk
  9. yeah the problem with this solution is my issues are outside of RetroArch. I have my keyboard mappings setup fine for RetroArch so any game/emulator I use within it works fine but if I want to use a PC game or non-RetroArch emulator (i.e. teknoparrot) I need to use either dinput or xinput. So I still need a way to dynamically setup the xenstion controller mode depending on the emulator/game I'm using.
  10. Has anyone got mode switching to work? I basically just want to switch to the different default keyboard, dinput, and xinput configs depending on what emulator I'm opening. My plan was to use the default keyboard layout for my main config for navigation within launchbox and most emulators and then switch to dinput or xinput default configs when necessary and switch back to the keyboard config upon leaving the emulator/game that required dinput/xinput. I'm currently running the latest firmware on my minipac (v1.55) and can do the mode switching manually without issue via the steps below, but am looking for a script/batch file I can use via launchbox or rocketlauncher to execute the mode switching automatically. Any help is much appreciated. Mode Switching Hold Start1 and this Button for 10 seconds with no other key activity: Start1+P1SW1 > Mode 1 Start1+P1SW2 > Mode 2 Start1+P1SW3 > Mode 3
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