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LaunchBox Community Forums

Keith Krummel

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Everything posted by Keith Krummel

  1. I figured out that I have to purchase a license so I did and added it to the folder but still don't see anything. I tried to fill out the contact form, but it won't let me press horrible captcha thing to send my copy of my license for issues. How long does it take for a license to show up? Does Bigbox come with purchase, or do I have to go finding that .exe also? I can't find any videos whatsoever trying Google or the tutorials about how to setup Launchbox or Bigbox with .exe. Everything is too current there for simply setting it up. They are basically classified, and nobody responded in the forum yet. Thanks for your assistance.
  2. Hello. I was trying to install Launcbox today on Kodi. I added it to the zip as an app successfully, but I was unable to locate the .exe file in the folder to ensure the addon works. I kept trying to Google it and came up with nothing. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Keith
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