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  1. Hello, I built my own arcade cabinet a few years ago. Of course, MAME is one of the emulators I use. Everything worked perfectly. The version I used was 0.204. A few days ago I bought 2 RS3 Reaper lightguns, but I had problems configuring them in the old MAME version. Now I have installed the latest version, MAME 0.273 and I no longer have any problems with my lightguns. Now, my problem is that I can't get my screen settings to be the same as with the old version. I had a nice crt shader, but I can no longer set it in the new version. If I copy the settings from the Mame.ini file to the new version it does not work. I don't remember exactly how I used to set it up because that was a while ago. If I'm right, all the screen settings are in the mame.ini file, right? In my old version I used d3d as the video option. I now have bgfx in video options and use the crt-geom-deluxe shader, but I don't like it as much as my old one. I'll post my old mame.ini file below, maybe someone can see what I need to do? Or does anyone know of another good crt shader and where I can find it? I'd like to hear it. # # CORE CONFIGURATION OPTIONS # readconfig 1 writeconfig 0 # # CORE SEARCH PATH OPTIONS # rompath E:\Arcade\MAME\Roms hashpath hash samplepath samples artpath artwork ctrlrpath ctrlr inipath ini/presets fontpath . cheatpath cheat crosshairpath crosshair pluginspath plugins languagepath language # # CORE OUTPUT DIRECTORY OPTIONS # cfg_directory cfg nvram_directory nvram input_directory inp state_directory sta snapshot_directory snap diff_directory diff comment_directory comments # # CORE STATE/PLAYBACK OPTIONS # state autosave 0 playback record record_timecode 0 exit_after_playback 0 mngwrite aviwrite wavwrite snapname %g/%i snapsize 1920x1080 snapview internal snapbilinear 1 statename %g burnin 0 # # CORE PERFORMANCE OPTIONS # autoframeskip 0 frameskip 0 seconds_to_run 0 throttle 1 sleep 0 speed 1.0 refreshspeed 0 # # CORE RENDER OPTIONS # keepaspect 1 unevenstretch 1 unevenstretchx 0 intoverscan 0 intscalex 4 intscaley 4 # # CORE ROTATION OPTIONS # rotate 1 ror 0 rol 0 autoror 0 autorol 0 flipx 0 flipy 0 # # CORE ARTWORK OPTIONS # artwork_crop 0 use_backdrops 1 use_overlays 1 use_bezels 1 use_cpanels 1 use_marquees 1 # # CORE SCREEN OPTIONS # brightness 1.0 contrast 1.0 gamma 0.8 pause_brightness 1.0 effect hq4x # # CORE VECTOR OPTIONS # beam_width_min 1.0 beam_width_max 1.0 beam_intensity_weight 0 flicker 0 # # CORE SOUND OPTIONS # samplerate 48000 samples 1 volume 0 # # CORE INPUT OPTIONS # coin_lockout 1 ctrlr mouse 1 joystick 1 lightgun 1 multikeyboard 0 multimouse 0 steadykey 0 ui_active 0 offscreen_reload 1 joystick_map auto joystick_deadzone 0.3 joystick_saturation 0.85 natural 0 joystick_contradictory 0 coin_impulse 0 # # CORE INPUT AUTOMATIC ENABLE OPTIONS # paddle_device keyboard adstick_device mouse pedal_device keyboard dial_device keyboard trackball_device keyboard lightgun_device mouse positional_device keyboard mouse_device mouse # # CORE DEBUGGING OPTIONS # verbose 0 log 0 oslog 0 debug 0 update_in_pause 0 debugscript # # CORE COMM OPTIONS # comm_localhost comm_localport 15112 comm_remotehost comm_remoteport 15112 # # CORE MISC OPTIONS # drc 1 drc_use_c 0 drc_log_uml 0 drc_log_native 0 bios cheat 0 skip_gameinfo 1 uifont default ui cabinet ramsize confirm_quit 0 ui_mouse 1 autoboot_command autoboot_delay 0 autoboot_script console 0 plugins 1 plugin hiscore noplugin language English # # OSD KEYBOARD MAPPING OPTIONS # uimodekey SCRLOCK # # OSD FONT OPTIONS # uifontprovider auto # # OSD OUTPUT OPTIONS # output windows # # OSD INPUT OPTIONS # keyboardprovider auto mouseprovider auto lightgunprovider auto joystickprovider auto # # OSD DEBUGGING OPTIONS # debugger auto debugger_font auto debugger_font_size 0 watchdog 0 # # OSD PERFORMANCE OPTIONS # numprocessors auto bench 0 # # OSD VIDEO OPTIONS # video d3d numscreens 1 window 0 maximize 1 waitvsync 0 syncrefresh 0 # # OSD PER-WINDOW VIDEO OPTIONS # screen \\.\DISPLAY1 aspect auto resolution auto view auto screen0 \\.\DISPLAY1 aspect0 auto resolution0 auto view0 auto screen1 \\.\DISPLAY1 aspect1 auto resolution1 auto view1 auto screen2 \\.\DISPLAY1 aspect2 auto resolution2 auto view2 auto screen3 \\.\DISPLAY1 aspect3 auto resolution3 auto view3 auto # # OSD FULL SCREEN OPTIONS # switchres 0 # # OSD ACCELERATED VIDEO OPTIONS # filter 1 prescale 3 # # OpenGL-SPECIFIC OPTIONS # gl_forcepow2texture 0 gl_notexturerect 0 gl_vbo 1 gl_pbo 1 gl_glsl 0 gl_glsl_filter 1 glsl_shader_mame0 none glsl_shader_mame1 none glsl_shader_mame2 none glsl_shader_mame3 none glsl_shader_mame4 none glsl_shader_mame5 none glsl_shader_mame6 none glsl_shader_mame7 none glsl_shader_mame8 none glsl_shader_mame9 none glsl_shader_screen0 none glsl_shader_screen1 none glsl_shader_screen2 none glsl_shader_screen3 none glsl_shader_screen4 none glsl_shader_screen5 none glsl_shader_screen6 none glsl_shader_screen7 none glsl_shader_screen8 none glsl_shader_screen9 none # # OSD SOUND OPTIONS # sound auto audio_latency 2 # # BGFX POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # bgfx_path bgfx bgfx_backend auto bgfx_debug 0 bgfx_screen_chains default bgfx_shadow_mask slot-mask.png bgfx_avi_name bgfx.avi # # WINDOWS PERFORMANCE OPTIONS # priority 0 profile 0 # # WINDOWS VIDEO OPTIONS # menu 0 # # DIRECT3D POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # hlslpath hlsl hlsl_enable 1 hlsl_oversampling 1 hlsl_write hlsl_snap_width 1440 hlsl_snap_height 1080 shadow_mask_tile_mode 0 shadow_mask_alpha 0.1 shadow_mask_texture shadow_mask.png shadow_mask_x_count 12 shadow_mask_y_count 12 shadow_mask_usize 0.5 shadow_mask_vsize 0.5 shadow_mask_uoffset 0.0 shadow_mask_voffset 0.0 distortion 0.0 cubic_distortion 0.10 distort_corner 0.10 round_corner 0.05 smooth_border 0.03 reflection 0.0 vignetting 0.0 scanline_alpha 0.25 scanline_size 1.0 scanline_height 1.0 scanline_variation 1.0 scanline_bright_scale 1.0 scanline_bright_offset 0.2 scanline_jitter 0.0 hum_bar_alpha 0.0 defocus 1.0,1.0 converge_x 0.0,0.0,0.0 converge_y 0.0,0.0,0.0 radial_converge_x 0.0,0.0,0.0 radial_converge_y 0.0,0.0,0.0 red_ratio 1.0,0.0,0.0 grn_ratio 0.0,1.0,0.0 blu_ratio 0.0,0.0,1.0 saturation 0.9 offset 0.0,0.0,0.0 scale 1.0,1.0,1.0 power 1.0,1.0,0.95 floor 0.0,0.0,0.0 phosphor_life 0.0,0.0,0.0 # # NTSC POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # yiq_enable 0 yiq_jitter 0.0 yiq_cc 3.57954545 yiq_a 0.5 yiq_b 0.5 yiq_o 0.0 yiq_p 1.0 yiq_n 1.0 yiq_y 6.0 yiq_i 1.2 yiq_q 0.6 yiq_scan_time 52.6 yiq_phase_count 2 # # VECTOR POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # vector_beam_smooth 0.0 vector_length_scale 0.5 vector_length_ratio 0.5 # # BLOOM POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # bloom_blend_mode 0 bloom_scale 0.2 bloom_overdrive 1.0,1.0,1.0 bloom_lvl0_weight 1.0 bloom_lvl1_weight 0.64 bloom_lvl2_weight 0.32 bloom_lvl3_weight 0.16 bloom_lvl4_weight 0.08 bloom_lvl5_weight 0.06 bloom_lvl6_weight 0.04 bloom_lvl7_weight 0.02 bloom_lvl8_weight 0.01 # # FULL SCREEN OPTIONS # triplebuffer 1 full_screen_brightness 1.0 full_screen_contrast 1.0 full_screen_gamma 1.0 # # INPUT DEVICE OPTIONS # global_inputs 0 dual_lightgun 0
  2. If I try to load a game in LB or BB I get the following error: I've seen this in other treads, but never with a real solution. My Launchbox is installed on my E: Drive. LB and BB don't run as administrator as it is not recommended. I have this problem with Retroarch, FS-UAE, Pinball FX3 and PCSX2 No problems with mame, VPX and windows games. I've tried to set the emulators to run as administrator but it doesn't fix the problem. Can someone please help?
  3. Strange, must have changed it with the last update. Anway, I have it fixed now, thank you for pushing me in the right direction. Cheers 😉
  4. yes I use this code for both. It has always worked that way. I don't undersand why it doesn't work anymore.
  5. I found that the problem is my PlatformMarqueeView.xaml I use the same setup in my GameMarqueeView.xaml as in my PlatformMarqueeView.xaml For the games it works. Don't know why not for platforms. here is my setup : <UserControl xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008" xmlns:transitions="clr-namespace:Unbroken.LaunchBox.Wpf.Transitions;assembly=Unbroken.LaunchBox.Wpf" xmlns:i="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/2010/interactivity" xmlns:cal="http://www.caliburnproject.org" mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignHeight="562" d:DesignWidth="1000" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Style="{DynamicResource UserControlStyle}"> <!-- GRID DEFINITIONS --> <Grid Height="1080" Width="1920"> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="*" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="0.5*" /> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="*" /> <RowDefinition Height="*" /> <RowDefinition Height="*" /> <RowDefinition Height="*" /> <RowDefinition Height="0.5*" /> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <!-- GAME MARQUEE --> <Image Source="{Binding Path=SelectedGame.MarqueeImagePath}" Stretch="fill" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" /> <TextBlock x:Name="GameMarquee" Visibility="Visible"> <TextBlock.Text> <MultiBinding StringFormat="{}pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Arcade - Marquee/_Default.png"> <Binding Path="SelectedGame.Platform"/> </MultiBinding> </TextBlock.Text> </TextBlock> <Image x:Name="MainMarquee" Grid.RowSpan="2" Grid.Row="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="5" Grid.Column="0" Source="{Binding Text, ElementName=GameMarquee, FallbackValue='pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Arcade - Marquee/_Default.png'}" Opacity="100" Stretch="fill" Panel.ZIndex="1" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" /> </Grid> </UserControl>
  6. I have them stacked on top of each other, when I enter a platform the game marquees are displayed like it should, I know platforrms search their marquees in the banner folder and the images are there with the correct names. I don't understand why this doesn't work anymore.
  7. I have a second lcd screen for my marquee and it has worked perfect untill one of the latest updates. The platform images are not showing. When I enter a platform the games are showing perfectly. Can someone help me?
  8. @Headrush69 You are awsome!!!! This works!!!! If you ever come to Belgium I buy you a drink. ?? Thanks you so much!!!!
  9. @Headrush69 I have a little problem. Like I said it works perfect that was in launchbox. Now I tested it in Big Box and this is what happens. The game starts and the buttons are lid and they stay lid. But the buttons don't work. When I press esc the buttons jump back to the active menu mode and they work again. Do you have any idea how to solve this?
  10. @Lapo no not yet. Dus you find a sollution?
  11. Thanks you @Headrush69 This worker perfect with the BAT file.
  12. PS2 Marquees 1920x360 examples View File Some examples of PS2 Marquees. Feel free to leave a comment if you have a request Submitter SpuRge Submitted 03/25/2020 Category Game Marquee Images  
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Some examples of PS2 Marquees. Feel free to leave a comment if you have a request
  14. Mortal Kombat 11 Marquees for stretched display 1920x360 View File I made 5 marquees for mortal kombat 11. I made them for my Marquee display in 1920x360 resolution. Put them all 5 in your Windows Marquee folder and every time you select the game it will randomly choose a marquee. I hope in the future there will be an option to let the marquee change pictures while playing a game @Jason Carr Submitter SpuRge Submitted 12/26/2019 Category Game Marquee Images
  15. Version 1.0.0


    I made 5 marquees for mortal kombat 11. I made them for my Marquee display in 1920x360 resolution. Put them all 5 in your Windows Marquee folder and every time you select the game it will randomly choose a marquee. I hope in the future there will be an option to let the marquee change pictures while playing a game @Jason Carr
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