I have an X Arcade Tankstick that I want to use without having to have a keyboard present after running LaunchBox/Bigbox (I'm a premium subscriber).
I have Rocketlauncher set as my emulator in LB/BB so that I can make use of fades and bezels. The issue is that with the Tankstick being emulated as a keyboard, I need to bind the P1 and P2 buttons to equal pressing escape.
I have an autohotkey script in my LB/BB for:
~1 & 2::
Send, {Esc}
This tests out in Rocket Launcher's Autohotkey editior and in Autohotkey with notepad as pressing escape on the keyboard. However, no matter if I set this script in LB/BB or in RL or in both it does nothing when MAME is running.
I have tried so many script combos, I'm ready to say "F it" and just keep a keyboard handy.
Has anyone figured out a way to overcome this limitation of the Tankstick with LB/BB & RL?
$20 paypal to the person who can make this work!