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Everything posted by freeflyer454

  1. Can you post some pics of your setup... like the emulator page for phoenix and maybe the launching tab from a Jag game so we can see the path that's being used. I think it's gotta be something with the path that gets sent to the Rom Launcher. LaunchBox obviously sees the rom or it wouldn't pass it to the Rom Launcher. But the Rom Launcher isn't liking it for some reason.
  2. You're right. Wally86 fixed his problem before I got a chance to look into it. I just setup a test LaunchBox install and threw some Jag games in there to try and reproduce the error. So far, the only way I found to reproduce the error is if I check/enable the option "Use file name only without file extension or folder path...". That tells me that the error happens when LB doesn't send the full path to phoenix_rom_launcher. Double check your Emulator settings for Phoenix and make sure that option (highlighted below in yellow) is left unchecked. If your setup looks the same as the image below and you're still getting the error, then we'll have to continue looking into it. Hope that helps
  3. Looks like the paths to the cartridges are wrong in LaunchBox. That image above was from LaunchBox saying it can't find the rom file. So look at what the rom paths are in LaunchBox. Also, once LaunchBox is setup to use the Phoenix_Rom_Launcher.exe, when you launch a game, the rom launcher (once it sees the backup file exists), should delete all the rom entries inside the "phoenix config.xml" file and replace it with only the rom path that LaunchBox passes to it. The image you posted shows that both files contain their full number of entries - so it wasn't the Rom Launcher that was trying to launch the game. Hope that helps
  4. Oh.. that part of Phoenix is a bit tricky. You add them through the top menu: File -> Add BIOS file to the collection. It should show up listed under BIOS. Then you have to double-click the file to select it. It'll then list the selected file out beside where it says BIOS.
  5. Ok. May have been something different with the old profile you were using. My script doesn't do any error checking of the cmd line options given to it - it just assumes the first option is the path to the game rom. Glad you got it working.
  6. Hadn't seen that error when it got compiled. I'll look into it further once I get a chance. The files don't have to be in phoenix's compressed format. It'll work with whatever formats phoenix works with.
  7. I don't know if this will be handy for anyone else, but here it is. Another Phoenix rom launcher. So, the other week, I came across an impressive emulator for the 3DO & Jaguar called the Phoenix emulator. After looking for a way to integrate it into LB, I came across @jophran's excellent "ROMLauncherPhoenix" program. It worked great for injecting the rom path into the Phoenix's config file, then launching and making Phoenix full screen. In fact, his program is probably a better option for those with uncompressed images or smaller collections. I decided to go "all-in" with this setup. But I also decided to update my collection to the entire N. American releases (yeah, I'm a sucker for cheesy 3DO games) and I wanted to compress the images to save space. Since Phoenix doesn't work with CHD, I used Phoenix's built-in compression format ".binar" (but I also compressed my bin/cue files to CHD for archiving). After getting over 170+ compressed 3DO images and 56 Jaguar roms imported into Phoenix, I noticed that Phoenix had an excessive lag time on startup - somewhere between 4 - 5 minutes! Crap, that's disappointing.... but it got me thinking about how Jophran's script was used to launch Phoenix. I got the idea that I could cut down on the excessive startup time by replacing all the rom info in Phoenix's config file with only the rom info for the image I was launching. Wrote it up, tested it, works great, now here it is. Here's how it works: Setup: - First, make sure all 3DO & Jaguar roms have been properly imported into the Phoenix emulator. The games don't have to be moved from LB! But Phoenix has to know where they are (and apparently their fast-md5, md5, & sh1 values). So import them into Phoenix first. - Put this script's executable into the Phoenix emulator directory. - Start the "_Phoenix_Rom_Launcher.exe" with no command line options to bring up the Backup Utility window. - Use the Backup Utility to create a backup copy of the "full" Phoenix config file. - Set Launchbox to use this program as the default emulator for 3DO and/or Jaguar games. (use the default emulator settings) Useage: - Launch a 3DO/Jaguar game from LaunchBox. (this will cause the Phoenix.config.xml file to be modified!) - The program will magically search the backup xml file for that game's info. - It will then delete all the previous game info from Phoenix's config file and inject this single game's info. - Last, it will launch the Phoenix emulator and make it full screen. As an extra bonus, I included the option to enable a builtin "AutoKey" feature that will close the Phoenix emulator with the [Esc] key (but only as long as Phoenix stays the active window). This option can be set either in the Backup Utility or in the ini file the program creates on first run. This program was created with AutoIt, so virus scanners may complain. I have included the source code for anyone to look over or compile for themselves. I've also included a couple of images to explain how to use the program to create the backup file or to restore from it. It's literally just a copy of the "full" Phoenix config file that gets moved back & forth. The program comes with no warranties, but I tried to make it as child proof as I can. Enjoy! and if you use it, let me know how it goes or if there's any problems. Oh.. as an additional note: If you want add any new games to your Phoenix 3DO/Jaguar library, you'll need to: - Launch the Backup Utility to restore the original Phoenix.config.xml file using the restore feature. - Import the new games into Phoenix. - Delete the old "_Phoenix_Rom_Launcher.xml" file that's inside the Phoenix program folder. - Launch the Backup Utility to create a new backup file. (This creates the new "_Phoenix_Rom_Launcher.xml" file) - Then use as normal. _Phoenix_Rom_Launcher.au3 _Phoenix_Rom_Launcher.exe
  8. I just came across the Phoenix emulator and while searching a way to integrate it into LB, I see there's this handy app. But it doesn't seem to work for me since my 3DO library is in bin/cue format... So what ends up happening is LB sends the path of the cue file to ROMLauncherPhoenix, which puts that into Phoenix's xml file instead of the bin file. I never used Autoit before, but I know a little scripting... just added this below line 38 in your source au3 file: If Stringright($Cmdline[$cont],4)=".cue" Then $RomRutaCompleta = StringTrimRight($RomRutaCompleta,4) & ".bin" EndIf Compiled it, and now it works. (Of course, it assumes the bin/cue files have the same base name) Thanks for coming up with this handy app!
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