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Posts posted by Hamburglin

  1. I made a custom platform category with custom playlists below it. I want to set some of them up with the banners and clear logos from the Default theme. However, I can't find the image files anywhere in the launchbox folder.

    Where do these image files exist?

    I remember that I could manually save the images by right clicking them in the edit menu from categories and playlists (like the auto generated Arcade ones) but I deleted those before we had the option to ignore categories and playlists in big box.

  2. Ok, I'm thoroughly confused. 

    My Xbox controllers are working in big box and in all of my emulators as xinput. However, when I go to change Big Box's controller mappings, nothing is read from my controllers.

    If it matters, I'm using a Pacto 4000, which allows joysticks and buttons to natively become Xbox 360 controllers. The Cobtroller in big box is set to my.xbox controller "player one"

    Again, this works fine everywhere else.


  3. I can't map buttons/input codes to my LED Blinky ports because it expects direct input and I'm using xinput. I wouldn't have gotten LED buttons for my arcade cab if I knew this.

    For now, I just want to turn all of the LEDs on and to white. How can I achieve this in big box? Or is there a simpler way to turn them all on in LED Blinky's config? I haven't seen a way besides animations, and those don't run by themselves.

  4. The problem is that the overlays are part of the save and override system at all. That's besides how confusing the override system is in the first place for the end user.


    Just imagine if they decided to add a message alongside the failure message of "... because you are using a game override". Doesn't seem hard to do. The code is already there to check for the issue. They just need to change the message when it fires.

  5. 16 hours ago, Headrush69 said:

    I think we are saying the same thing but in different ways.

    Those emulators are expecting the gun co-ordinates in the ratio matching your display ratio. even when the actual game is only outputting 4:3. By forcing Content aspect ratio on, you are introducing those offset problems.

    There is no way around the fact you have to switch. I find it's easier to stay in Full and switch to Content when needed, but to each his own.

    I'm assuming you are using Demulshooter with SM2? I ask because I run at 4:3 and after in game calibration it works in Full screen aspect. (no need to switch)

    Yeah, makes sense now.

    I did try setting the resolution of supermodel3 down from 2560x1440 to 1920×1440 and in windowed mode but that didn't Work either

  6. The crosshairs don't go into the bezel area. That part's fine.

    The problem is that having gun4ir set to content aspect ratio of 133 (4:3) for those games makes the crosshair offset from your actual line of sight the closer you get to the edges. The crosshair is in the wrong position.

    It's the same effect when you have gun4ir on 133 but go to the test screen and aim towards the sides of the screen, and there's no way to fix this in supermodel and flycast.

    You're forced to use fullscreen aspect ratio in gun4ir which is a pain because mame and sm2 in their regular aspect ratios (and getting the cool bezels!) uses content aspect ratio of 133.

    Anyways, I'll look into switching with additional apps!

  7. Yeah that's exactly what I'm saying. Mame and sm2 does the 4:3  aspect ratio mouse restriction well but flycast and super model 3 don't. They let the mouse go to the widescreen edges even when the game screen is only in 4:3 which means um forces to used fullscreen aspect ratio for thise emulators.

    I'll look into using LB to set those with additional apps. I guess the problem with that approach is that the mouse devices and com ports might change order at some point.

  8. Man, I finally figured it out... I needed to:

    • Set the resolution to match my monitor: 2560x1440
    • Right click supermodel, go to properties, compatibility and check "Disable fullscreen optimizations"
    • "Change High DPI Settings" -> "High DPI Scaling Override" set to Application

    Wow, that was frustrating!

    Secondly, I can't figure out how to get gun4ir to work in 4:3 content aspect ratio of 133 with this, just like flycast. It's like they don't report or send 4:3 coordinates even if the game is always in 4:3. They send 16:9 coordinates which warps the aim the closer to the edges of the screen you are. But both emulators does work when the aspect ratio is set to fullscreen in gun4ir (which I don't want because I don't stretch the 4:3 games to 16:9).

  9. 10 minutes ago, Headrush69 said:

    Went back to my notes and double checked and I had some parts backwards. In the process of checking for you I screwed up my settings, but the good news is starting fresh I was able to configure both guns again in both gun and analog_gun mode.

    It's too late for me to go into details, but a few tips:

    • Doesn't matter whether you use analog_gun or gun in Games.xml, but there are differences. (not in configuration. I would go with analog_gun as that removes the onscreen flash needed for original CRT guns)
    • You don't need a separate Supermodel Lightgun emulator. You can have per game settings in Supermodel.ini. Just add a section 

      and rawinput will just be used for that game.

    • Start with a fresh configuration and delete lostwsga.nv in the Supermodel NVRAM folder and lostwsga.st* files in Saves folder.

    • Start the game from a command prompt and follow the instructions for configuring.

    • Once the game starts, enter the in game service menu and calibrate the guns. Do not worry about the crosshair alignment in here., it can be wrong until all 5 points for each gun are done.

    Generally WIndows has been stable with my mouse device ordering (They are always attached), but on the rare occasion that they stop working in game it usually means Windows changed the index and I need to adjust the index in Supermodel.ini.

    Here is what my lostwsga section looks like in Supermodel.ini


    Thanks. Need to get some rest but will try this tomorrow.

  10. I switched the gun mode over but it's still having the same exact issue. I'm at a loss. There must be something super obvious I'm missing, or something unique with gun4ir I missed. 

    Here are all of my settings:


    And this is what it looks like in game when I try to calibrate:


    Where red cursor and blue in game dot is WAY OFF from where my gun is pointing, but aligned with each other.

    Something else I just noticed is that the blue dot for the in-game coordinates will not go anywhere but the top left quadrant after calibrating to the middle of the screen:


    Even stranger, if I point my gun to the top left corner, my gun's physical sights and the red cursor align, and if I calibrate that point as if it was center, then the blue square is actually centered! So yeah, any of the lightgun guns work perfect if I'm only aiming at the top left corner. By the time I aim down-right towards center, the actual crosshair is already at the bottom right of the screen. It's like the coordinates are getting multiple somehow. This problem exists in dinput too when using MOUSE. HOWEVER, if I use my real mouse, it does not have the weird acceleration/offset issue that my gun4ir guns do.......


    And just to prove that my gun4ir is setup correctly, here is the test screen with the aspect ratio set to fullscreen:


    And demulshooter's dsdiag:


    Notice the physical sights aligns with the drawn crosshairs.

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