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Posts posted by Hamburglin

  1. It's almost like it decided to start using my CPU or onboard GPU for its graphics or something. Is there a setting for this somewhere?

    I've tried changing resolutions, hz and image scaling.

    When I go to the unlock screen in big box, it takes a second to load even though I hear sounds and button presses. When I moved the arrow keys around to select my pin, it doesn't update the image for like 3 seconds even though I hear my button presses.

  2. 1 hour ago, neil9000 said:

    Launchbox does not touch your emulator configs in any way, it simply passes the rom to the emulator. It has zero to do with saving or loading in the emulators either, the only time it even knows that a config even exists is when you specifically specify loading one via the comand line section in the edit emulator screen. Launchbox is a launcher, it has zero direct control over a emulator unless you specifically give it those commands to do so.

    That's true but the way to trigger the issue is by using LB to start up retroarch. Not saying it's LB's fault but I can't figure out what else it is right now. My second guess is that it's a weird permissions issue within Windows but like we said, there's no admin password prompts.


    1 hour ago, vaderag said:

    Have you worked out which files store the overlays?

    I have the cfg's that tell the overlay what to do (in RA -> Config -> Core -> Game.cfg) 

    And they get used automatically, but outside of that I can only find the one set in Retroarch.cfg which seems to do everything

    Have you worked out how to set one for a specific system?


    We got sent down that path by a mod above... I would have assumed the same, but it works outside of LB and does not work when launched by LB


    I'm not sure about overlays. That reminds me, I turned them off for games that have two screens that are extra wide and I think THAT actually saved at some point through LB -> Retroarch. But maybe I opened retroarch separately for that config change too...

    But yeah, retroarch.cfg itself is failing to save for me.

  3. 2 hours ago, JoeViking245 said:


    Bummer ok.

    This combined with the problem of not being able to auto generate sub playlists from other playlists or platform categories is making it a really rough process to make my big box interface concise and easily navigateable for my users.

    I see that I can now hide default platforms and categories from big box in the latest beta which is great though!

  4. 34 minutes ago, vaderag said:

    FWIW I've managed to resolve it by launching Retroarch direct and saving that way, or saving the independent config file and copying my changes into Retroarch.cfg - very painful, but works

    Yeah that's what I've been doing as well.

    Still can't figure out why LB can't write the retroarch config files. No admin usage and both directory's files have "full control" set for my non admin user running LB.

  5. 20 minutes ago, JoeViking245 said:

    As a 'work-around', you could select your "Best Arcade Games" platform category, then using the Filter feature image.png.f24bf3e8d5c46153e34aea92f31b8649.png, Filter for... say... Max Players - 4.  Then select all those filtered games, Right-Click and Add to Playlist?  Create a new playlist and set the Parent (check the box for) your "Best Arcade Games" platform category.


    The downside with this is that it creates a fixed, non-auto-populated Playlist.  So if you add more "Best Games", they won't automatically get added.  But how often do you add "Best Games"? ;)  But if you do 'add', simply do the above process again except add them to your existing playlist.  The nice thing is, it won't create duplicate entries when you select and add all.

    The upside(?) to having a 'fixed' playlist(s) is when loading, it's relatively faster.  Though probably only noticeable with large playlists. If even then.

    This is esse tisllt want I ended up doing. The downside is the work but the tmkther downside is I feel like I misses things abs there's no easy way to check.


    Also, when I set PC games Llay Mkde to thing likes "2 player simultaneous', how do I ensure that will never get overwritten in the future?

  6. I have a "Best Arcade Games" platform category and I can't figure out how to autogenerate playlists under that and only using the games in that platform category.

    For instance, I want to make a auto generated playlist for all 1, 2, 3 and 4 player games under it but it uses all of my arcade games because there's not way to tell it to use just my "Best Arcade Games" custom platform category.

  7. Thanks for the tips. I've narrowed the issue down to having true full screen on. Either through the gui options or command line. Non full-screen is stretching correctly now.

    Still haven't found out why and I've tried different resolutions and refresh rates. It let's me choose my correct tv resolutions and even 120h at 2560×1440 which is correct for my video card.

    I've setup a 10 second autohotkey wait and then alt Tab for now :/

  8. 7 minutes ago, C-Beats said:

    Unfortunately you will run into a LOT of issues running LaunchBox as administrator because it messes with how we determine what path the app is ran from which can cause a LOT of downstream issues. You should be able to go to the exe in file explorer for the application you're trying to load and right click it and go to properties then tell Windows to run the executable as admin and have it work that way. Though I'd be wary of using ANYTHING that REQUIRES admin level access. If it needs that access to write files the app probably wasn't written correctly.

    Makes sense.

    Ultimately, giving my non admin user full control over the visual pinball install directory was enough to not need to run it as admin anymore.

  9. Not sure if this is a bug or an understood interaction.

    When I run launchbox normally, my ps4's (through ds4windows) touchpad can be used as a mouse. When I run launchbox as administrator, this no longer works. The touch pad button is my exit button so this is kind of annoying.

    I was running launchbox as admin because visual pinball needs to be run as admin (shitty design, needs it for pinmame and writing files). I wanted to avoid the UAC prompt every time a visual pinball game started.

  10. For some reason when I launch visual pinball games it gives me a Game Over screen and a frozen table visual. Sounds are working and all I have to do to get it to work is hit alt+tab to put the visual pinball table back on screen.

    I don't want to do this every time however. Anyone know what's going on? I'm using the recommend command line of -minimized -play -exit

    Edit: If I de-select "Force exclusive fullscreen mode" in visual pinball video options it works but it gives me a windowed version without up scaling. I need 2560x1440 as my laptop can't handle outputting in 4k (for my tv).

  11. I discovered a fix - run future pinball in windows vista compatibility. I have no idea why this works or why LB and future pinball are not playing nice together. There is a downside to this: some textures are plain white now.

    I figured this out because I already needed to set dpi compatibility mode to Application to get full screen to work, and people talk about setting future pinball to run as admin or windows xp compatibility mode for other issues.

  12. There is an option in future pinball to use a joystick/gamepad. It works fine. You know it's on and working because it disables the keyboard keys from working when playing.

    When I launch future pinball from LB via the accepted way (/open %romfile% /play /exit) the games load and play fine with keyboard. However, when enabling the controller, the controller does not function.

    I can tell the controller setting from future pinball is on an enabled because the keyboard does nothing (except exit with esc). Also, my LB exit script (double left click via ps4 scroll pad tap) works as well.

    It seems like LB may be interfering with future pinball's controls or there may be another launch options I'm missing.

    Anyone have any ideas how to troubleshoot this further or fix it?

  13. I put a ton of work in an UNmerged 193 romset in launchbox. I edited a ton of their default app versions to 4 player and English versions. I also changed a lot of dipswitch and system settings for a bunch of games.

    I now have the latest 250 romset that is MERGED and want to start using those.

    I don't want to lose my original launchbox settings or mame rom settings. Is there a way forward for me here? I'm open to regex find and replace or simple scripts if it's possible to do.

    For safety's sake and to and to see what the LB xml would look like, I was thinking of importing the 250 romset as a completely different platform to allow to not affect my 193 set. Is this possible too?

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