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Posts posted by Hamburglin

  1. I'm currently deciding what tv and marquee monitor to buy and had a couple questions:

    1. Is there a specific resolution or aspect ratio the marquee should be to display marquees correctly?
    2. Can my main monitor (tv) run at 120hz and my secondary monitor (marquee lcd) run at 60 hz?
    3. I see that pixelcade and LCD marquee are both selling really expensive LCD screens with images preloaded. Do I need preloaded images or will big box use the marquee images it scrapes to send to monitor 2?

    Otherwise, is there a good place to find a bunch of marquee sized monitors to choose from? Is there anything else I should be aware of before I drop $500 on a tv that doesn't work with my marquee monitor?

  2. Well all should know by now that VSync adds terrible input lag. Usually about the same or more delay than a newer TV causes these days. I notice the input delay in adventure games with tight jumping the most, such as super mario world 1 and 2. It's maddening

    Therefore, I play with VSync off. Well guess what, we all probably know that no VSync causes screen tearing by now.

    Suggestion to achieve the low input delay of no VSync while fixing the screen tearing: take advantage of freeync technology. I'd suggest gsync, but I believe that is proprietary. Freesync syncs your gpu to the monitor's/tv's display so that the frames always line up and there is no tearing (by two halves of different frames being drawn the on the tv's frame which causes tearing).

  3. Does launchbox or retroarch specifically prioritize using m3u's when loading games?

    Currently, I have a bunch of saturn games that are already imported to launchbox that I want to make m3u's for. However, how do I get launchbox or retroarch to use the m3u's and not the image files they've been using? Is launchbox or retroarch smart enough to start using the m3u's if I make them and import them?

    Right clicking to choose disc or emulator etc is not acceptable as this needs to be as user friendly as possible.

    I know the following setup worked with ps1 but don't want to have to remove saturn games and re-important so I can run this process if I don't have to:

    1. Import m3u files ONLY
    2. Manually drag multi disc games into launchbox rom folder (where the m3u files were imported to)
    3. Import the rest of the single disc games into launchbox
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