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Everything posted by Hamburglin

  1. Does launchbox or retroarch specifically prioritize using m3u's when loading games? Currently, I have a bunch of saturn games that are already imported to launchbox that I want to make m3u's for. However, how do I get launchbox or retroarch to use the m3u's and not the image files they've been using? Is launchbox or retroarch smart enough to start using the m3u's if I make them and import them? Right clicking to choose disc or emulator etc is not acceptable as this needs to be as user friendly as possible. I know the following setup worked with ps1 but don't want to have to remove saturn games and re-important so I can run this process if I don't have to: Import m3u files ONLY Manually drag multi disc games into launchbox rom folder (where the m3u files were imported to) Import the rest of the single disc games into launchbox
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