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Everything posted by Krovash

  1. You forgot to mention that Acronis Active Protection is a form of ransomware protection. No idea why it blocked your plugin though. Anyway, the idea is, if the plugin doesn't launch for you, try disabling your antivirus (if you use anything other than windows defender) or any other form of protection you might have which is not microsoft-made. It might just help.
  2. I've sent the invite a second time, should work this time.
  3. I've completely removed the steam launcher directory and replaced it, checked emulator paths and they are correct, doesn't help, i still get the same problem. I've also ran through the LB directory to see if i might've left a copy of the previous version of the plugin and that is not the case, so i really have no idea why it doesn't work. I've sent lahma a friend request on steam, hopefully we'll find out what causes the problem.
  4. Hello, first of all thanks for making this amazing plug in, i've been using it for a while now and it was working great, but it broke recently. It seems that as soon as you've introduced the new version that gets rid of the need to use the "Launch with Steam" option, the plugin stopped working for me. I've downloaded the recent version as i understand some Steam compatibility issues were present.....and it still doesn't work. The only way how i can make it work is if i disable this new automatic mode and just launch the games using the "Launch with Steam" option. So here's what actually happens when i try to launch a game with the latest version of the plugin: i start the game and i get a standard windows loading ring animation for about a second and that's it, nothing happens after that. I've noticed an interesting thing though, if i launch the SteamLauncherProxy manually and then try to launch the game from LaunchBox, it actually works, but instead of launching the game, it launches the emulator, but steam detects it as an actual game being played, displaying the correct name. Is there anything that can be done to solve this?
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