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Everything posted by Madhead

  1. Ah right so the purchase is linked to my google email. I've just logged in via google and it remembers that I purchased the post. Cheers!
  2. Thanks. Do you mind linking me to the post? Also how will it remember that I bought the post? I'm pretty sure I've reinstalled windows since I last got it.
  3. @y2guru I bought version 3.2.2 from patreon by buying the post page. Do I have to buy 3.2.6 update again or is there a way of getting it for free? Thanks.
  4. Thats done the trick. Thanks!
  5. For some reason when I load Launchbox after a couple times, the font changes from Gilroy to Sans Serif. And when changing it back it gives an error that Gilroy isn't a true type font. Not a huge issue, but i'm pretty sure Gilroy is meant to be the default font for the default theme now, and I quite like how it looks. And I'd rather it stayed the default font too. Anyone know whats going on here?
  6. Yeah I'll have a look into the background blocks. I'll do the same for them as I did the Hardware Overlays right off the bat to see if it puts those right. I might as well be sure it's correct as you say.
  7. @skizzosjt Right so I made a grid for the Hardware Overlay. I put the element in there, copied each animation bubble from the element into the grid, then deleted the bubbles in the element itself. The hardware image appeared smaller when I first put it into the grid but then I selected the fullscreen scaling option and it went right back into position. Lo and behold the animations now sync up as good as ever! I quickly republished the theme to see if it held up in BigBox itself and it's all good. Even when I fast scroll up or down the platforms the hardware overlay behaves properly and no longer fades out while you're navigating. You mentioned other elements that need changing but as far as I can tell it's back to normal now. Thanks a lot for the help.
  8. Thats mad. Here's how my Hardware Overlay properties look. I suppose a screenshot of yours might help me out? So do I put hardware overlay into a grid then copy those animation bubbles into the grid instead? Or what bubbles do I change or leave as is? Do I delete the animations from the element itself and just leave them in the grid? It's one of those things where if it was shown in real time, it would make more sense. I don't blame you for finding it difficult to explain, and appreciate your help.
  9. Aw nice one mate you've hit the nail on the head! Only thing is i'm unsure what exact elements need changing? Are the elements i've circled in these pictures what you're on about? The Background color element is what you refer to as the LHS Rectangle Color yes? And the Full Screen White Background as the RHS one? Do you put the Hardware overlay in it's own grid too? Thanks.
  10. I'm pretty sure the "Text List with Details" view on the default BigBox theme has a 3D model as the box art view. The text wheel is to the left hand side of the screen and the 3D model is right next to it. I'm guessing the code for the 3D model would be in the xaml for that view in the default theme? Another example is the Retrofresh theme, "Text List with Details" view as well. I'm not actually sure what part of the code would be the 3D model tho.
  11. Was introduced in BigBox version 13.0. There are a few themes i've seen that allow you to put a 3d box model in place of the box art. Allows you to rotate with the right stick as well. Been a thing for quite a while now.
  12. One more thing mate, do you know how to add 3d box models to a theme in place of box art images? Like the standard BigBox theme does for example?
  13. Fair enough then. Thanks for the help, at least now I know.
  14. Right, so does that mean the animations need updating in the theme itself? Fair doos if so. Still though, do you know why the same animations matched up in CTC 2.5.5 but not in the new one? Trippy that.
  15. @y2guru Also that version has working animations in bigbox.
  16. @y2guru I've been digging around and found an older version of my theme and it was published on CTC version 2.5.5. Maybe thats the culprit?
  17. Hmm, well I checked the official version of colorful theme and it has the same animation problem, since it's untouched in mine. Wonder why they were properly synced up in older versions of the theme creator?
  18. Ok then, I suppose if you're aware of the problem then all the better off the project will be. Sorry for the hastle lol.
  19. Yeah mate well I reckon it's something to do with animation inputs not being 100% compatible with eachother. Might need to just reimplement the same instructions but fresh from the new version of CTC.
  20. Yeah the editor shows the animations working properly unlike the preview. But the timings are still off. The hardware image should move at the same pace as the background video and it doesn't anymore. It probably still does on the old version, but I deleted it like a dick so I can't check. If anything, any change you made to CTC might mean some themes have some little kinks to update. I've checked the official colorful theme thread and they have removed the downloads for the CTC theme files, maybe because of this very issue with the new CTC version. It's one of the more popular themes on BigBox so I think they may be updating it to work properly on the new CTC. It's probably up to theme creators to update their themes and sort stuff like this out. I dont get the preview thing tho, might be because it's using animations from older versions?
  21. I reckon it was CTC version 3.0 and 3.1 that I used where the animations looked right. The animations are the same in the default version of the colourful theme for the platform wheel. I left them untouched. I'll send you the custom theme I use but they have the colorful platform videos with them so the whole thing is about 1.6GB. I can send it over email if LB won't let me. Colorful - Light.zip
  22. I only have the latest version of bigbox so no. It's also out of sync in CTC as well, in fact the hardware image doesn't even move at all. Heres a video of it. egg.mp4 It doesn't do that in actual bigbox but it's the first anomoly i noticed with the new version thinking it was just a preview issue, which to be fair, it was. Although there is still an issue with the animation timing either way. The animations can be changed to sync up of course, but why it's different on the new CTC to the last one I don't know.
  23. @y2guru I've just got it and it's really good, you've kept the core functionality similar so long time users still can use it. I'm just posting this because I have made my own custom version of the colorful theme, and I've noticed the platform wheel image transitions are out of sync now. I haven't touched the animation frames or anything from the original but on this version of the theme creator they are all out of time. I'll show you what i'm on about. eg.mp4 The glitches are only visible on the video recording. I was using lenovo screen recorder which seems to fuck up when recording bigbox. What I was focusing on was the animation misalignment. I suppose it's an easy fix I'm just wondering why it's different in this version of theme creator? This is after republishing my theme on the new version by the way. Thanks in advance.
  24. That's good news! Thanks for all the work.
  25. Do you have to join your patreon to dowenload the full version? Can't you just do a 1 time payment? Makes more sense if you want a quick and easy way for people to get it.
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