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  1. If I already have the video preview in my PC, how can I transfer them to Android without having to use Emumovies (since I don't have an account)? Also what should we name the video folder? "Video" or "Snaps" etc?
  2. If possible, can you please add video preview for the games? (Video snaps)
  3. That's what i was afraid of... Can you pleaseeeee keep the "Export to Android" option? I don't want to be stuck on an old Launchbox version
  4. Just want to write that, Redream - Sega Dreamcast is working great! Thank you for listening and adding it to the LB app
  5. Jason, is it possible to add Redream emulator for SEGA Dreamcast on the next update? So far we have Retroarch and Reicast.
  6. I have never had this problem, and I exported my Android games like 10 minutes ago I'm not a pro, but have you installed the latest beta version correct?
  7. One stupid quesition, why does the latest version extract game files when launching a game? I have Huawei P30 Pro, and for some reason it takes ages to extract the games... The previous Launchbox version worked great without any exctration (not what i'm aware of)... It takes even longer when launching a Dreamcast game since the file size is larger. EDIT: Also is it possible to add Mupen64+ FZ??? There is Mupen64+ AE and AE free, but not FZ version
  8. Go to sleep man! You have done more than enough for one day ??
  9. Does this also work if i want to do it with a controller software called Antimicro? I'm trying to remap my controller so that i can use F1 (save state) and F3 (Load state) in EPSXe by holding Select+L3 (save state) and Select+R3 (Load state), since ePSXe doesn't allow us to do this using the controller... I want the software (AntiMicro) to launch when i start a PSX game, and then close it, when i close the game. I can easily do this with the "Additional Apps", but i have to go through ever game, which will take me ages EDIT: I have tried many different codes in AHK, but none of them works for some reason Here is some examples i used: run, C:\LaunchBox\Emulator\ePSXe205\antimicro\antimicro.exe /m $Esc:: { Run, c:\windows\system32\taskkill.exe /f /im antimicro.exe Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} } $Esc:: { Run, "C:\LaunchBox\AutoHotkey\script.ahk" } $Esc:: { Run, "C:\LaunchBox\Emulator\ePSXe205\antimicro\script.ahk" Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} } $Esc:: { Run "C:\LaunchBox\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe" "C:\LaunchBox\AutoHotkey\script.ahk" Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} } What am i doing wrong?
  10. I don't know if only i have this problem, but for some reason, i can't export all my NES games.. It only exports 3 of them and ignores the rest (136 games)... And it always export the same game. I can export all games from every platform except NES. And they all have the same format (.zip)
  11. I just bought Launchbox and so far it's working great! However i noticed that we are forced to use the "regular" Retroarch... We can't use Retroarch x64. I know that i might won't matter, but is it possible to fix this in the future updates?
  12. Sweet, thank you!
  13. I just purchased Launchbox on Android Where can i write if i found some bugs? I don't want to be pain in the ass, i'm just trying to help you improve the app
  14. Have this been implemented yet?? I can't find it anywhere.. I have like 200 games i need to use "Additional apps" with, but it's going to take waaay too long
  15. Hi guys! After i've been trying SEVERAL different Dolphin emulator version, i finally found one, that works great and doesn't stutter or lag at all when playing games... Even the latest version was really slow, so i had to get an older version. Anyway i have enabled Bigbox and launchbox Automation feature, which works great for all games! However whenever i close down Dolphin Emulator when i'm for instance playing Mario kart Double Dash, i always get an error called "wxWidgets Debug Alert"... After that i'm stuck and can't return to BigBox anymore. All i get is a black screen. I do know that it's not BigBox fault, but have any of you guys occured this before, and is there a way to "disable" this popup? I have unchecked "Panic Handlers" in config -> interface, but the problem still occurs. Here is a picture of the error i get: EDIT: At the bottom of the error, it says: "You can also choose [Cancel] to suppress further warnings". I have done that, but i still get the error...
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