Does this also work if i want to do it with a controller software called Antimicro?
I'm trying to remap my controller so that i can use F1 (save state) and F3 (Load state) in EPSXe by holding Select+L3 (save state) and Select+R3 (Load state), since ePSXe doesn't allow us to do this using the controller...
I want the software (AntiMicro) to launch when i start a PSX game, and then close it, when i close the game.
I can easily do this with the "Additional Apps", but i have to go through ever game, which will take me ages
EDIT: I have tried many different codes in AHK, but none of them works for some reason
Here is some examples i used:
run, C:\LaunchBox\Emulator\ePSXe205\antimicro\antimicro.exe /m
Run, c:\windows\system32\taskkill.exe /f /im antimicro.exe
Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}}
Run, "C:\LaunchBox\AutoHotkey\script.ahk"
Run, "C:\LaunchBox\Emulator\ePSXe205\antimicro\script.ahk"
Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}}
Run "C:\LaunchBox\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe" "C:\LaunchBox\AutoHotkey\script.ahk"
Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}}
What am i doing wrong?