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Posts posted by jfree427

  1. I've ripped out the Pi that came with my buddies cabinet setup and I'm installing a PC with LB. His setup came with joystick encoders rather than a keyboard encoder so I'm trying to get everything mapped out. I've remapped all the buttons in mame and both mame and RL work fine standalone. However when I launch a game via LB/BB, none of the buttons are functional within the game itself. Is there a setting I'm missing in RL or LB/BB?

    If I change the emulator from RL to straight mame, the joystick buttons work as they should in LB/BB. I've honestly had enough of RL and its quirks, but I still like the bezel support for console games and how it hides the emulator loading screens.

    Help is appreciated.

  2. I switched over to launch TP games with Rocketlauncher and it hides the errors when exiting a game. Not a solution but atleast it is hidden now.

    However, one annoyance I can't seem to figure out. When exiting the game, BigBox goes to the options menu instead of the game selection screen. It is like it hits the "esc" button twice. To be fair I'm using Joy2Key for the exit/esc button. When I hit esc on my keyboard it doesn't happen. 

    Any ideas?

  3. 4 hours ago, Retro808 said:

    Just the Batman.xml. All the games I have run through Tekno just point to the xml. Well some may still have the old .txt method, but that is just because I have not taken time to update to the xml.

    The command line --profile=Batman.xml is telling TP UI what to run.

    I altered my setup to point to the XML. Same result. 

  4. 15 hours ago, Retro808 said:

    @jfree427 I am curious. In the pics you are showing you are pointing Batman to an exe and then in the next pic have Batman launching with TP and the Batman.xml. Are these 2 different games or just one? Is this the Raw Thrills game? 

    I have no issue with that game, but I point only to the xml file not to an exe.


    Yes, @Retro808 this is Batman Raw Thrills.  What do you have in the ROM file field for your setup?

  5. 13 hours ago, Headrush69 said:

    Teknoparrot is the only system I still use RocketLauncher for.

    It has active window scanning for just the thing you want. 

    Additionally, when possible I use JConfig over Teknoparrot when possible as it launches dramatically faster and LB's startup screens work well enough.


    I never thought about using RL for Teknoparrot. I will give that a try. Thanks for the idea!

  6. On 7/19/2022 at 4:03 PM, Retro808 said:

    This is if the team can replicate the issue to figure out if something can even be done on our end. I have TP set up on 5 builds in the house. Test machine and 4 cabinet / console set-ups. None of them have the TP issue mentioned here and all are running different LB versions (some on betas some on stable releases). This is also testing with BB and LB. So it does not seem to affect every user.

    What might be helpful is sharing set-up / setting information.

    1. How do you have TP set up in LB? (Edit the emulator and share pic of "Details" page and "Associated Platforms" page.

    2. Now choose a game that you get the error with and edit it in LB. Share a pic of the "Launching" page and "Emulation" page.

    3. Are you using an AHK scripts in the LB settings for TeknoParrot?

    4. Are you running TP as admin?

    5. Are you using any other things with TP such as RHLoader or any other launcher exe?

    6. Share pics of your settings in TeknoParrot as well as the settings in TP for the game you chose in #2 above.

    I'm having the same issue, only with BB. Details below.

    The commonality on my setup I find is that games that launch with an "exe" have this issue where as games that use something else (ie. ELF file) work fine.

    I have also opened an issue on Git with Teknogods https://github.com/teknogods/TeknoParrotUI/issues/343

    1. image.thumb.png.f25b6c467d5326bf38fd51ca69fe6186.png



    3. No AHK scripts in use

    4. Not running as admin, but I have tried it as admin and get the same result.

    5. No other launchers.






  7. 2 hours ago, C-Beats said:

    What you're referring to is the startup screen. If inside of LaunchBox you go to Tools > Manage > Emulators and edit TeknoParrot emulator, you should see a page on the left of the window called "Startup Screen" in there is an option to increase how long that screen stays up.

    Thank you. Rather than at the emulator level, I've found it best to tweak the startup screen time game by game, since the load times vary. I was hopeful that there would be a way to have a callback for when TP was done loading, rather than making it time based but I imagine that would be very complex.

    Appreciate your help.

  8. Is there a way to extend the "Now Loading" screen when launching a TP game? TP takes a while to get going and often the screen goes back to Bigbox menu before TP even comes up. People using my machine will often think it isn't loading and try it again, which teknoparrot then gives an error.

    Any thoughts on how to better hide all the behind the scenes loading activities while still letting my game players know to be patient?


  9. I'm trying to do the same thing.  I want to switch my MiniPac to Mode3 (x-input) to play Street Fighter V then switch back to keyboard mode when I exit the game.  When I switch the mode via command line, it doesn't work as expected.  The WiniPac utility still thinks it is in keyboard mode after so there is some disconnect.  Does it need to force the reconfigure of the devices?

    Also, has anyone successfully mapped an "exit" hotkey while in X-input mode?  I hate having to go through the menu to exit back to BigBox.

    I would be very grateful to anyone who can solve this.

  10. I'm cleaning up my build and I am unable to remove one of the platforms.  LB shows as deleted but it (Pinball FX2) reappears when I restart it.  I was able to remove 5 other platforms and they did not reappear.  Any ideas why it keeps reappearing?

  11. Thank you! This is just what I was looking for.  Worked like a champ

    14 hours ago, Headrush69 said:

    Instead of just deleting the nvram file, once configured as you like in game make a copy of it. (swtrilgy.backup.nv)

    In your script, using whichever method you want, (BAT, AHK, etc), delete the old nvram and copy the backup version with the correct name, swtrilgy.nv

    This is the AHK script I used

    The 1 option at the ends, overwrites the files so I don't need to delete first. I compile this script to an exe and add as an additional app for swtrilgy and have it run before supermodel3 emu.


  12. Just now, Jason Carr said:

    Thanks for the report. Glad you're up and running. We do see this issue on rare occasions, and yes, the solution is usually just to delete the file. It doesn't usually have anything to do with the update (I think it more commonly occurs because of a crash or killing the LaunchBox process).

    It appears I might have added a rogue xml file in there at some point.  LB doesn't seem to be using this file.  Perhaps the latest version is checking for files that it did not generate?

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