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Files posted by C-Beats

  1. Omni

    "Omni" is a prefix meaning "all", in that regard this theme strives to do "all the things" in ONE theme!
    Omni has both a content view selector and game details selector that lets you choose the content view and details view that looks best to you. There are 15 different configurations to choose from! All of these settings are saved in a ThemeValues.xaml file that allows you to customize them EVEN MORE!

    NOTICE: Omni requires LaunchBox v13.12 or greater!


       (4 reviews)



  2. Beats

    This theme requires LaunchBox version 13.3+

    This is my default theme I use for my own LaunchBox installation. The primary changes are:
    Game Details is laid out differently with the fields always appearing "on top" at the bottom of the detail panel Game Details has hyperlinks that when click automatically go to the Sidebar location that matches the selection and then refreshes the content view The button bar uses iconography instead of text for the buttons Progress bar size has been reduced and displayed on the right half of the screen Side bar was re-arranged a bit to help with space Image View center aligns items and the text is displayed under the item when "Text on all games" is enabled (and only when enabled) List View is no longer a data grid and is instead a single file list of games displaying the following information Game Image Title Platform and Release Year Date Last Played and Time Played Badges Achievement Progress


       (1 review)



  3. Steamy

    This theme requires LaunchBox 13.2 or newer

    This theme is more to show off what is possible with LaunchBox theming and see where we can break the mold. I asked the question, "Could you recreate the Steam interface inside of LaunchBox?" This theme is my answer.

    Changes from Default:
    EVERYTHING... (no really...)

    The images do a pretty good job at showing off the new features this theme provides, the basic run down is as follows:
    The theme basically has two completely different looks depending on if you are using List view or Image view Image View Game Details is horizontal similar to the Steam UI and utilizes a shelf system to drop down game details, achievements, and leaderboards List view utilizes a single list of games similar to the traditional side bar (the ACTUAL side bar was moved to a drop down menu) List view's Game Details is full sized and takes the space that typically the image view AND details would take in our default themes
      NOTE: The Game Details Panel CAN be resized, the handle for it is invisible, but is located between the Play button and where image view starts (or the rest of the details are listed in list view). This size change IS remembered so should only need to really do it once.
    DISCLAIMER: It is ENTIRELY possible to "break" this theme by hiding some views via the View Menu. Hiding GameDetails or the Sidebar can make it difficult or impossible to do much within the theme and should be left on at all times.


       (10 reviews)



  4. Airy

    Airy is a minimalistic theme designed to allow the game's background image to show through. I was growing weary with how defined many themes look with the side panel and game details having hard borders that really made the UI look like 3 segmented columns. This attempts to let the UI flow quite a bit more, let it "breathe" if you will.

    This theme gets a lot of inspiration from the Beats, Steamy, and Big Details themes as well and attempts to offer a lot of what those themes offer in a slightly different context to address issues some users have with those themes.

    Changes from default:
    A lot of the top menu items are removed and you will need to use the hamburger menu via the icon in the upper left corner.
    Search/Filter section is now visible even when the side bar is hidden
    This theme utilizes a list view similar to Steamy in that all games are listed on the left and the rest of the window is used to display the games details
    The progress bar is displayed in the top center section of the screen when needed
    The controls bar is the same as from the Beats theme and utilizes more iconography than text


       (0 reviews)



  5. TrueVert

    This is a vertical conversion of my FauxVert theme. It has a horizontal wheel view as well as text list view. Was designed to work with a 9:16 monitor but for the most part should work fairly well with other resolutions/aspect ratios. The one thing you have to be wary of is that this theme uses background images/videos that were rotated for horizontal aspect still (as did FauxVert). For example I just show  16:9 images and rotate them to fit in the 9:16 monitor. A 9:16 image/video would NOT render correctly in this theme.
    I don't plan on making too many improvements/changes to this theme unless I need them for my particular set up, but if there is something small I can help you with to get this working on your set up feel free to ask in the comments.


       (0 reviews)



  6. XML to LaunchBox

    Hey all,

    This is a little app that can be used to convert XML files to a LaunchBox compatible Platform XML file. This application is currently VERY early in functionality and does not do much to help sterilize bad data. It is something I built in my spare time (which is pretty limited) to help me import some third party XMLs into my library. Right now you can only scrape data inside an element, attributes are not scrapable. There is functionality not yet in this app I would love to get added but haven't had the time, if you find there is functionality missing that you'd like to see let me know in the comments and I'll see what I can do. I would NOT expect a fast turn around though.

    Install Notes:
    Should be able to just extract the zip file wherever you want the app. You MAY need to unblock both the zip file before extracting and the executable after extracting depending on system settings.


       (1 review)



  7. FauxVert

    I have for you a very unique theme. This is a vertical theme for horizontal monitors! I have a virtual pinball cabinet I am working on and because of how the VPin software works it was just easier to set up my machine so that my monitor was in landscape (horizontal) mode, but physically rotated to a vertical position. Unfortunately this mean Big Box was pointing the wrong direction. Rather that use some third party tool to rotate my monitor in Windows settings back and forth I just decided to make a faux vertical theme. I wasn't sure how many people had similar cabinet set ups but though I'd share in case there was anyone out there that needed it or wanted to look at the XAML for inspiration for your wacky theme ideas.

    NOTE: This theme assumes you have acquired background images and videos ALREADY in the right orientation and does NOT try to rotate and horizontal images to make them appear in the right direction. Clear Logo images work as is and are rotated appropriately.


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