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Posts posted by thefritz11

  1. 39 minutes ago, The Papaw said:

    Not exactly sure what you're asking here. I still use a NAS for ALL roms, even from Mame/Arcade all the way to PS3 using RPCS3. Most of your emulators will run fine with rom on a mapped drive except for RPCS3, it's a bit trickier.

    If you're referring to SyncThing, you just have to remember to exclude the save data location of each emulator so folks don't start over writing each others saved games

    Yeah with Syncthing I am the only user really so not worried about saves overwriting but wondering what if any settings I should avoid syncing?

  2. On 12/17/2021 at 11:23 AM, The Papaw said:

    Not sure if it is of any help, but I run most everything from a NAS. I have a old Dell PC (started with a RPi3 I think), installed OMV5 (it's free) on it. I have a 14TB external HDD attached to it for roms and a 2TB external HDD attached for the media. (I have other drives attached for other things as well, like a MediaSonic Pro Raid that hosts all my video, music and such, another 12TB in raid 5) and I use the internal drives I have installed in the PC for backups.

    I have LB/BB and all my emulators installed a primary desktop PC, then I use Syncthings to send it to all the other devices (I exclude some of the setting files in BB (especially the cache files) and emulator config files. That way no one writes over others game saves and settings. Works great for me. If I want to update LB/BB or an emulator, I just make a copy of the folder before I update it so I can go back if something goes wrong. What's cool about it, when I update LB or an emulator on the main PC, it updates it on all the PCs. 

    I don't use anything wifi on the gaming side and the speeds are as always like any other external drive. Just some other ideas that may be helpful.


    This is a zombie thread but do you happen to have handy the files you did NOT sync over from emulator and/or big box settings? Trying to figure out best way to get this all synced up. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Knowcontrol said:

    That would be the idea with the individual installs - each emulator would be able to handle the individual video and controller settings.

    You don't need a license for each machine, LB allows for a single license on multiple machines.

    Yeah I was more hoping to even sync emulators where I could across all installs. So they stay up to date version and install wise (for games that need updates installed like PS3 etc.).

  4. 1 hour ago, Knowcontrol said:

    There may be a more elegant way, but I would suggest having individual LB installs on each machine. Each LB would then be directed to the media and ROM folders on the NAS.

    Thanks. What about emulators. I currently have them on NAS but will need unique settings for some for the different LB installs. Any thoughts there?

  5. On 1/7/2019 at 10:59 PM, Aevans0001 said:

    So correctly what I have.

    1 Nas (4x4TB) Total 11TB

    1 Box account (50GB)

    1 Amazon Drive (1 TB)

    Multiple computers and laptops with C and D drives

    Cdrive is for windows and random emulator user profiles (using symbolic links)

    D Drive is for LB/BB, Rocketlauncher, Some emulators, All image files (Boxes, SS, etc), Windows games

    Z drive is NAS and I have All Roms, All Videos, All Manuals, All Music, All Configuration files

    By not using a backup software to backup my settings, I have no need to make sure that the files have been updated,  it is instant.  


    Currently I have CEMU, CXBX, Pinball FX2, Xenia, Retroarch, and MAME running from my D drive with the settings being on the Z: drive.

    For frontends I use LB/BB and Rocketlauncher (although shortly I hope to get rid of RL and just use LB/BB from the D Drive

    I have symbolic links from the default folders to my Nas drive.  For instance I have a symbolic link from d:\games\Launchbox\Games\ --------> z:\videogames\Games also one from d:\games\launchbox\manuals ----------> z:\videogames\manuals


    This way there is less configuration to do in launchbox, everything is default.  


    Since @peterrrjr post I now have my images in a symbolic link from d:\games\launchbox\images ---------------> d:\cloud\amazon drive\Launchbox images.   Which automatically backs up to my amazon drive with unlimited photo storage, and in turn also sync to my nas drive under z:\amazondrive and to my arcade to d:\cloud\amazon drive\launchox images.  Which again means less configuration as all pc machines are the same. If I add images to one pc, it will automatically sync to the other pc within minutes.


    If you would like any of y other batch files, let me know.




    Sorry this one is old but I'm trying to figure out which config files I can share/sync across installs and which I can't. For instance have a gaming PC with  LB/BB that has different controller options than my arcade cabinet and different than my Living Room PC. Having a tough time getting roms, settings and images etc. syncing but still allowing me to have unique controller and/or graphic settings in BB or more importantly emulators.

  6. On 2/1/2022 at 12:11 PM, Emulatorlover said:

    Do I have to do this on the PC? Can't find how to do it within Android

    TTT very interested in doing this on android LB. Ideally I could have moonlight launch right from that initial platfrom screen but would settle for a custom streaming platform. Any howtos out there?

  7. Quick thanks for the replies guys. I downloaded the only list of mame controls I could find from EMUMOVIES but it is far from complete so I have some custom work ahead of me. I ended up frankensteining a solution where I exported LB ID and LB Title to an excel and then cross referenced with rom name and wrote a batch file to rename--wasn't too bad but still a bunch of random titles with no controls. All in all really happy though definitely getting there. Thanks again

  8. On 2/4/2022 at 10:54 PM, CodaBroda said:

    Apologies for bumping, but sharing the exact scenario here with wanting LB Arcade Controls larger on pause screen. If/when you have a chance @Retro808, can you please share the tweak that was made?


    On 6/21/2020 at 5:32 PM, Banditt said:

    @leech_hunter I think I wrote something that will do it - it is running on my local machine. Before I upload it and announce it, can you help me test it? Can you send me (via message or here) your Arcade.xml (In the Launchbox/Data/Platforms folder) This will help me test it.

    So far it gets almost everything on mine (working on 720 degrees), but I don't have too many mame games.


    Any chace of updates here?

  9. Question. Looks like if I use the title of the rom from mame  it doesn't work. The title from launchbox works if it does not have any symbols in it. But as we know, a lot of mame games have symbols in them? Any options? Or am I missing something?


  10. I have a ton of mame controls art files I'm using for a pause screen theme however the files I have are named with the  "standard" mame game name. I need to rename them to ideally the launchbox ID. I did a file manually--- xmen.png and renamed to the launchbox ID and the controls show on my pause screen as expected. It is awesome. But what is not awesome is the prospect of renaming ~3k files by hand. Any ideas? I feel like it should be doable but not sure where to start looking.

    Thank you so much in advance!

  11. OK I should delete my first post with tail between my legs but just in case me being an idiot helps anyone else in future I'll weigh in here. I had show favorites first selected (Options>Views in Bigbox) so of course the game I favorited would not show in alphabetical order in the all games list since I was quite literallying telling big box to put it first. Ooops! Carry on. 

  12. Ok, let me explain my scenario/use case because this is a hard question to formulate. Thanks in advance.

    Basically, I have Bigbox/Launchbox setup with playlists so most things are all in root directory. Ie. NES is in root on main page and then I have playlists under that favorites, all games, best of games. In launchbox all is well if I favorite a game it gets added to the favorites playlist and stays in the all games playlist as well. HOWEVER, in bigbox if I mark a game as favorite it adds it to favorites playlist but removes it from the all games section. I am thinking there is a checkbox somewhere i have to change but it happens on both launch/big box installs I have so I don't think it is an xml file issue. Any thoughts?




       > All Games 

      > Favorites 

      > Best of



  13. 22 minutes ago, pina said:

    So here’s what I found out, this comes in handy whenever I need to reinstall everything again one day… :D

    1. I created anothe mame instance in my file explorer, mame lightgun (a copy of my existing mame folder)
    2. I created an ahk script, then compiled it as an exe file, see below
    3. In Launchbox, I created an new emulator, called Mame lightguns. It points to the the exe file of the compiled ahk script we just created for lightgun games
    4. All the games in the playlist of Launchbox, called Lightgun Games, will be launched by my newly created Mame lightgun-emulator

    And finally, the script was this:

    #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    ; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
    SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    ;SetWorkingDir C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
    SetWorkingDir D:\retro\emulators\mame light\mame64.exe
    Run, C:\Program Files\Touchmote\Touchmote.exe,  C:\Program Files\Touchmote
    Sleep, 3000
    RunWait, D:\retro\emulators\mame light\mame64.exe -keyboardprovider dinput %1%
    ;Sleep, 2000
    Loop, 2
    ;MsgBox, Iteration number is %A_Index%.  ; A_Index will be 1, 2, then 3
    WinClose, ahk_exe Touchmote.exe

    the script runs touchmote first, then wait 3 seconds before launching mame. When quitting the game, it closes touchmote too.

    I hope it solves your problem

    So---I have done a few basic scripts for pause screens etc. but compiling as an .exe file is close to another language to me. That is not something you can share is it?

  14. 17 minutes ago, pina said:

    Wauw, I really have to dig very deep to answer you... Let me find out first myself because it's been almost 2 years... 😆 

    LOL, sorry. I still haven't found a way to do this yet. Ie. have wiimote work as light gun in Dolphin for wii games and Mame. Can't justify any other purchases as the moment to improve light gun play so hoping this can get me through for a bit.

  15. On 12/27/2020 at 1:12 PM, pina said:

    So I went to AHK forum too for some help and I got the pieces of the puzzle together now. It looks like it’s not a real admin issue, but it seems like the script just needs to be executed twice in order to quit Touchmote. I used the loop command to perform the WinClose command twice. But when compiled as an exe, I had to run it as admin.

    So I got it working finally... Thanks for your assistant

    Sorry but would you be able post the exact script and how to implement? I have my wii motes working great with dolphin for Wii games but I believe I have to use touchmote before mame to get them to register in mame. I don't want to have to separately run touchmote play mame then quite before running a wii game so it sounds like your solution is exactly what I"m looking for.

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