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Everything posted by treepop

  1. I found them all in spam. Thank you!
  2. I bought a big box account and I can't get a download link. Says error or says it's sent and never sends....
  3. I think it looks great! Thank you! I am running auto HDR and it was extremely washed out before. It looks considerably better now!
  4. treepop

    CRT-GEOM on mame

    Sweet. Thank you. Where do those files go? *EDIT* Never mind I clicked on download instead of header for the link to your post lol. Sorry new to this forum.
  5. treepop

    CRT-GEOM on mame

    I have an LG Dual up monitor and it has HDR and is pretty close to 4:3. With HDR HSL seems very bright and washed out. When using retro arch I really liked running hdr and the crt-geom shader. I’ve read you can get this shader on mame but I can’t find a guide. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  6. Figured it out. I had to do the following: Launch command prompt (search cmd in windows and hit enter) In cmd I navigated to where my mame emulator director was in launch box using cd dir name once I was in the director I launched mame by typing "mame.exe -verbouse" and mame launched I closed right out of mame and it told me what my display numbers were. In my case it was \\.\DISPLAY6 and \\.\DISPLAY7 I had been trying \\.\DISPLAY0 \\.\DISPLAY1 and \\.\DISPLAY2 with no luck. The issue is mame seems to name your display numbers randomly. I have no idea why mine are 6 and 7. I only have 2 monitors. Hope this helps someone!
  7. I cannot for the life of me get this to work. I've tried getting it to run in \\.\DISPLAY2 and no matter what it opens on my primary display
  8. Okay. I was using the (I'm at work and can't 100% remember the name) r-something - Widescreen. And it works great! So I just need to find the assets for the arcade cabinets. I checked the box to download the cabinet artwork, but is there a resource for arcade cab artwork that would work with themes? I have a lifetime membership to emumovies and bigbox. Also thank you Retro808, I know this must be very remedial for you. I appreciate your help.
  9. Hey there. Newer to LaunchBox big box. Been using coinops builds for years but grew sick of having to run it the way the author intended. So here I am! Curious. How can I make it so the theme's don't show just a generic Black arcade with red buttons? Thank you!
  10. Same issue here Ive tried using my email and user name. I've tried using no special characters just numbers and letters. Nothing.
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