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Everything posted by andrebrait

  1. @unexpectedpandaOh, wow. This is great! I never thought of taking this approach when I developed 1g1r-romset-generator. I'm now working on DATROMTool, a more complete tool for handling DATs and all that (kinda like SabreTools, but a loss less complete). Its 1G1R capabilities are a bit better than 1g1r-romset-generator, but a bit better. Its file-handling capabilities are a lot better though. I'm checking your code to see the approach you took and I can only give you kudos on both its quality and the amount of work that took.
  2. I also ended up coding my own solution, though it's capable of doing a lot more than separating ROMs and it's highly customizable. Here's the link to it: https://github.com/andrebrait/1g1r-romset-generator I made a nice tutorial on how to use it: https://www.reddit.com/r/RetroPie/comments/f5b2gb/how_to_make_1g1r_rom_sets_using_nointro_dats/ I have polished it and confirmed it works as intended with a number of advanced users, so I'm posting it here in case someone wants to generate good 1G1R sets ;-)
  3. Although this might be a bit of a necro, I have the same issue. I have tried multiple things but the result is always the same. It just leaves out a number of ROMs, and important ones (like Mario 64 DS, Dragon Quest IX on the DS, etc.)
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