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Everything posted by Joejoe

  1. Have forgotten but a quick yt video will tell you, but needs p1 and p2 controllers, and only works once in awhile, so takes a bunch of tries to get it to go, since required 3 buttons pressed at same time, which these emulator don't like
  2. Yes those are done in cheat engine, they have no nvram for Dreamcast, just like kenju or asking about, has both extra character unlock and both extra LVL in Dreamcast conversion, but can't in arcade one, I tried on my own for metal slug and only red blood saves, most or all the extras and nvram for mame extra come from me, that warp has posted,
  3. That screen brightness one doesn't save, there is a few options in the debug menu dip switches that don't save, you can turn them on when playing, but once you shut down they will reset, same goes for full auto, invincibility and others
    Need to run version 0.9 for proper twin stick controls, for virtual on cyber trooper, and the rest of the games are better with 1.1, so a build for just that game
  4. For red blood in kof xi region has to be on other than you can turn on, language can still be English, house of the dead and zombie revenge also have red blood in test menu, also there is another 2 in here that you didn't have, forgot which 2, https://github.com/TheArcadeStriker/flycast-wiki/wiki/Savedata-and-Extras-for-NAOMI-Atomiswave-games Sorry just posted here instead of bouncing between namoi and atomiswave , another thing is alot need USA bios set for them to work, red blood in zombie and house of the dead, use standalone flycast to find, option won't show in retroarch,then you can copy nvmem over to your retroarch , vf4 turn off network to speed up loading , one was cannon spike and I forget the other but in link with nvmen done, house of the dead and zombie revenge are both in test menu, game assignment, violence mode on, the other one from the link that you missed might have been the rumble fish 2
  5. What's the best way to add jconfig and gameloader Rh games
  6. Joejoe


    Thank you
  7. Joejoe


    need help with a bat file to rename chd folders all mine are example MAME 0 225 CHDs merged_ initd would like to remove that part and just leave the name example initd
  8. Thank you appreciate the help
  9. How do you add ffb plugin to supermodel 3 with laubchbox
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