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Everything posted by CalmGamer

  1. Thanks guys. I will give it a go.
  2. I’d like to add some consoles and computer cores to my arcade cabinet. At the moment it’s setup with joysticks and a trackball but for consoles I’m going to use some old Xbox controllers Is there a way to change the game loading screen on a per emulator basis to tell the player that the game will use the controller and not the arcade control panel? I also have ledblinky so is there a way for it to just say “please use controller” when playing consoles? Thanks
  3. Thanks. I got it working. Neither of the games were in the xml file so I had to create new entries for them.
  4. I can confirm that what I change in ledblinky is saved to the ledblinkycontrols.xml but on startup these changes don’t have any effect. This file is in the ledblinky directory. I’ve also rebooted just to make sure I’ve also searched in files for qbert and it’s only in the controls.ini and ledblinky minimized mame.xml. could it be reading a file from another directory? thanks
  5. I have ledblinky mostly working the way I want it (thanks to rocket blinky for saving me a ton of work :)) and am really enjoying it. There are a few things I’d like to change but can’t find where to do it so am hoping for some advice. All these are mame games. While playing rampage world tour my player 3 start and coins are white when I’d like them green. I’ve changed this value inside the controls editor and saved it but I see no change when I start game. I’ve also changed the voice to something else for a test but it doesn’t speak the change either. It seems like it’s not using the file I’m saving to. Any ideas? Also, probably a similar problem to above but when I start qbert it speaks “q apostrophe Bert”. I don’t see a qbert entry in the mame control editor. Where is it finding what to say and how do I change it via ledblinky? Thanks
  6. The same thing is happening to me too. Maybe im not fully understanding what's meant to happen, but if I make the Arcade Platform a child of the Arcade Category (the one with the arrow) shouldnt it disappear from the top level ? When I do this it remains on the top level as well. For a test i've even made it a child of my console category and it will be put inside console but also remain on the top level. Is this normal behaviour ? Thanks
  7. I have MAME 0.244 and for some reason its not using the hlsl values in the mame.ini file The only option it seems to use is the hlsl_enable option so I can turn it on and off but cant change things like cubic_distortion or scanline_alpha. I can change these values inside mame so I know the hlsl is working. Any Ideas ? Is it getting overridden somewhere ? Thanks
  8. I’d like a stand-alone emulator (fs uae) to receive an f12 key press when I press the exit button on my arcade (mapped to - and Esc). Would I have to do this within fs and look into remapping an Input key or would this be put into the autohotkey exit script? I’ve tried the put a send f12 in there but that didn’t work. I’m not sure which app would receive the key event for the arcade exit button press. Thanks
  9. Hi, Big box has a keyboard shortcut to close active window. Does this allow the emulator to shut down properly or is it the equivalent of an end task in task manager? It seems to work ok without error for MAME and retroarch but on FS uae there seems to be a pop up message saying the emulator is trying to send the proper shutdown key so it can close cleanly. Should I be concerned than my Amiga emulator is being closed badly and that maybe I’m corrupting my whdload files or emulator settings? Thanks.
  10. This has nothing to do with my focus issue. that's much better and i've updated your script to all the vbs files as you suggested. Im just curious how you got the keyboard to work as I was tinkering with a separate vice emulator and was curious how you did it The only issue im having now is the big box pause screen not working. just curious if it should or not. Thanks again.
  11. Hi @Zombeaver I'm loving the C64 Dreams but have 2 questions. Should the Big Box Pause screen work ? it works for all my other cores but not 64 dreams. I just get the retroarch paused game message in lower left. Also, how did you get the keyboard to fully work without using the game focus on ? I'm just trying to get a c64 emulator going for the fun of it but cant seem to get full keyboard control until I turn on game focus. When I do this I lose the ability to exit the game until I turn the focus off again. Thanks
  12. Awesome thanks. I’ll keep playing around with it.
  13. Hi. It worked 9 out of the 10 times I tried the new code. Weirdly enough once it works then all games seem to work properly even without the additional code I’m their vbs file. it also works like this after I run a file directly through the batch file. Not sure why having a game run properly once seems to fix all subsequent game launches. Is the command prompt Windows causing focus issues? thanks
  14. My Fullscreen is set to true. Changing to false didn’t help sadly. It does work if I bypass the Visual Basic script and run the batch file directly though. This also works with your retroarch so that rules out an RA bug.
  15. Adding start didn’t fix the issue sadly. Just as an experiment I imported a rom for commando into lb and used my existing retroarch (current build). That worked fine so it’s definitely related to the some issues between my pc and C64 dreams. I never checked what version of retroarch you are using, is it possible for me to update that to the latest version or will that cause problems. I’m not that familiar with the way retroarch updates and what files it may overwrite.
  16. Hi @Zombeaver. thanks for all the hard work. Looks amazing. I do have a couple of issues/questions. Apologize if they have already been covered, I did look in thread but may have missed them. 1). The games screen always opens in the background so I have to alt tab to switch focus to it. This doesn’t happen on any of my other big box or lb games. Maybe retroarch bug? 2) My emulator is on a 6 button arcade machine I built (with attached keyboard). Do you think it’s straightforward to map the controls to it or is everything built around an Xbox style controller? Thanks again
  17. I have another weird little issue, I’m sure it’s a config file problem. I can’t get ledblinky to correctly identify my player 2 button 5 in MAME and retroarch. It’s set as keycode e inside led blinky as well as mapped inside MAME and retroarch. I’ve turned on the debug log and it says it’s mapped to joycode2_button5 with no mention of keycode e. What file is used to store the mapping? All other buttons including button 6 work. Thanks
  18. Should I submit a bug report for this or is it done automatically by a moderator.
  19. Thanks to arzoo I think I’m narrowing down the cause in BB. It seems to work fine if I select a game from the games list. I can scroll up and down and I’ve checked the ledblinky log and it does receive game selected commands. My issue seems to be when I go into a playlist (I’ve made a few custom ones) and select a game by scrolling left and right through the box art of the recently played games, rather than going through the regular scrolling list. Doing this doesn’t generate any selected commands and then nothing gets passed to ledblinky. I hope this explanation kinda makes sense. I’m still learning the terminology of the app
  20. Thanks. I’ve messaged you the file.
  21. Enter and Exit are used to go into and out of menus, just didnt know if this would cause issues if i assign this button to a game button. im assuming all the keystrokes will go to the emulator and none will be passed to LB/BB, so as long as enter isnt assigned to anything in the emulators i should be good ? Thanks
  22. I’m going to remap my Mame and retroarch keys for a 4 player panel. Is there any potential issues with mapping the enter key as player 1 button 1 within big box or the emulators? At the moment I have an admin button dedicated to enter but this would free up that and make the controls more streamlined. Thanks
  23. Could you point me in the right direction? My settings seem fine but maybe it’s an ini file issue? thanks
  24. Hi, I’m having a few issues with ledblinky / big box which im hoping someone can help me with. i'm sure its related to paths or permissions but I cant seem to figure it out. i've set it up so it speaks and flashes the appropriate controls and tested it with 1942 and pacman and it only works sometimes. the other times I get a "No ROM specified for Game Start event. Missing parameter?" in the ledblinky debug log. I also have issues where it speaks the controls for the previous and not current game. I’m not sure if this is a big box or ledblinky issue. thanks
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