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Everything posted by Glenn72

  1. That did the trick, all is working now. Many thanks for your help and assistance.
  2. I´m using Launchbox 13.18 (latest version) and I used the very excellent XBLA Shortcut Generator (located here) The shortcuts are working outside of Launchbox without any issues. They import into Launchbox fine, when I drag and drop the shortcuts and it starts the import wizard and I select "None of the Above". I then select where i want it to show up and what to scrape against. After it finishes and shows up under Launchbox in Microsoft Xbox 360 XBLA and when I go to launch it from there, it tells me to setup an emulator which is counter intuitive since it´s a shortcut and the Emulator is already pathed. Anyway to set this up so that the Shortcut launches without an emulator? I have too many to import one by one under "Manually Add Game". Thanks in advance. Best regards, Glenn
  3. For me disabling UAC in Windows and through the windows registry is what fixed it for me.
  4. This is going from my memory more than 20 years ago but should be accurate. The only Dreamcast games that had cue / iso files where the very early releases when there was a standalone boot disk. Several months later, they figured out how to use the selfboot disk onto the same 700 meg cd and then cdi images were born. This is probably why your cue file games don't work, as boot disk was needed. The Dreamcast games themselves were ripped through the built-in Dreamcast modem. There is a way to make non self boot Dreamcast games into self boot cdi, but honestly it's not worth the trouble as readily available gdi images are now. Very few cdi games were the entire release, in fact Crazy Taxi was super small that they had to use fake padded sectors on the cdi image so that the game itself would be written on the outer edge of the cd so it would spin faster and play better on a real Dreamcast. I went through this entire process of redownloading gdi and converting to chd earlier this year, and although it took a while to do, after converting to chd it saved a lot of space and provides nostalgia for the Dreamcast games that I purchased long ago.
  5. You could be absolutely correct that it could be a Bigbox setting but I've pretty much left everything at default as Onexplayer is quite new to me and I'm still in the early setup stages . I think the only thing that I've changed was adding controller support. Personally, I've never been a fan of Windows UAC, but I understand that it's probably a good feature for someone with low PC knowledge. I also have Bigbox running on my Gaming laptop with Windows 10 and I haven't ran into this issue either. However I wanted a true handheld gaming experience and the Onexplayer really delivers this.
  6. GDI to CHD is really the way to go for all Dreamcast games. The only CDI files that I have are a few fan made compilations. GDI are the full source files which can be up to 1gb while most CDI files contain down sampled audio and video so they could physically fit on a 700mb cd. As we no longer have 700mb space limitations with Emulation, GDI files converted to CHD provides lossless compression.
  7. Ok completely disabling Windows UAC from Regedit and rebooting Windows 11 has resolved the issue. I had UAC already disabled via Windows GUI and still ran into the issue until I used Regedit to disable completely. Now Bigbox with Cemu works as normal user.
  8. Thanks for the warning as Running Bigbox as an Administrator. Its not an issue with Cemu or Launchbox, its a Windows 11 permissions issue that Bigbox is not able to hide the startup screen for Cemu. I'll see if I can remove whatever Windows 11 permissions is stopping this from the normal Windows account.
  9. Ok so what works if anyone else has this issue is to go to the Bigbox shortcut properties, Compatibility and check Run this program as Administrator. Now when Bigbox boots up, I can launch Wiiu U games directly without having to Alt + Tab to find the Cemu window.
  10. Thanks for the suggestion, strangly enough that didn't seem to work as I still see the "Now Loading* screen even with that option not checked. In Launchbox there is an option on Manage Emulator with " Attempt to hide console window 9n startup/shutdown ". If I try again with that checked I get a black box error message from Bigbox that this command requires elevation. If I start Bigbox as Run as Administrator than everything works. So either I need to make Bigbox autoboot as Administrator or I need to reduce permissions somewhere in Windows 11.
  11. I'm using a Onexplayer AMD 5800u with Windows 11 with Bigbox 12.13 and Cemu 1.26.2f. All games work fine when launched from Launchbox, but when I try launching from Bigbox I get the Now Loading splash screen from Bigbox, but I get a black screen. If I press alt + tab a few times I can cycle and find the Cemu game and play it from there, however this hurts the handheld experience. To me it looks like the Bigbox splash screen is not minimizing and Cemu is not put as the main window. All works fine from Launchbox, any ideas why this is happening in Bigbox?
  12. Do you have an external USB drive that you can cleanly format and try it from just to try and isolate the problem? I am running launchbox / bigbox on a 5tb USB 2.5" drive and all is working perfectly.
  13. Ok I figured it out, it was just me. The keyboard does work to start the game by pressing 1 or 2, not sure why it didn´t work for me before. For the Pac-Man collection game the + button on the keyboard is used to insert quarters. Apologies for posting this in the noobs forum when its an emulator question.
  14. I decided to use Colem as a Colecovision emulator because it plays the nonstandard .bin file that is used with the Pac-Man Collection that was released in 2008. I really haven´t found any other emulators where this file format works. Colem works fine from Launchbox, but when the game starts it does not enter the game. I need to press 1 or 2 for 1 or 2 players, but every key that I have tried will not start the game. I tried binding my controller several times but the only options in Colem are for the 4 fire buttons which I already mapped to my xbox 360 controller. Outside of being able to start the games, all is working fine. The instructions from the emulator mention that the keypads function the same as the Colecovision controller, but when I press 1 or 2 nothing happens in the emulator. Posting here to see if anyone uses this emulator and if they are able to get this working. Not really a Launchbox question as all works fine with Launchbox.
  15. Understood but it was stuck on saving on the beta forum and did not finish which is why I posted again as I thought it didn't save on the first post.
  16. J just tried with Retroarch 64 sideloaded and still same issue with Mame 2003 plus core. I like this core for the cd samples in Outrun and Final Fight, and Final Fight works. Strange,.
  17. Ok, it is strange that it affects some games but not others. I'm using Retroarch Plus 1.9.8 with official cores from the play store. Hopefully this will get fixed eventually by Retroarch team.
  18. I just checked and the uncompress option is not enabled. I also noticed same issue with Mario Bros which is not System 16, but other games seem to launch fine.
  19. There seems to be a problem with launching Sega System 16 roms through Launchbox using Retroarch Plus and the Mame 2003 plus core. I can launch these games directly from Retroarch Plus without issues and play them fine. The 3 games that I have tested that will not launch and launch into a black screen are Outrun, Fantasy Zone and Space Harrier. Again the games launch without issues directly from Retroarch Plus.
  20. There seems to be a problem with launching Sega System 16 roms through Launchbox using Retroarch Plus and the Mame 2003 plus core. I can launch these games directly from Retroarch Plus using the same mame 2003 plus core without issues and play them fine. The 3 games that I have tested that will not launch and launch into a black screen are Outrun, Fantasy Zone and Space Harrier. Again the games launch without issues directly from Retroarch Plus.
  21. Ok I was able to resolve this by installing an older version of Launchbox 11.2 which is working perfectly and choosing not to upgrade to the current 11.8 version. I tried to install 11.8 several different times using default c drive install but nothing worked. I don't kind being on a few versions old as it's my secondary laptop, my primary laptop works fine on 11.8. My goal with my secondary laptop us to import a different complete Mame set 2003 plus vs Mame current .227 version without mixing the Mame sets. I like the enhanced sound in Mame 2003+.
  22. I just installed Launchbox 11.8 on my 2nd laptop which is Windows 10, 16gb ram, I5 5700HQ with Launchbox installed on the d drive which has over 40gb free and on the c (boot os) drive I have 16gb free of space. When Launchbox starts up and I click to close the news page I can select any of the games and play them. If I right click or try to go to a menu like tools, the mouse cursor turns into a circle and keeps spinning. If I check task manager it shows Launchbox not responding. I've waited 20 minutes and nothing happens. I've only imported some mame roms with Retroarch. Any ideas why this is happening? I've rebooted several times and disabled AV and Windows smart screen but problem persists.
  23. All done and working now, thanks again.
  24. Thanks a lot Neil9000, that was exactly the problem and apologies for the length of time it took to check this option. As soon as I disabled the start up screen at the theme specific options it works perfectly now,. Is there a way to set this up on an emulator specific basis as it looks like the option is global for the theme settings. Thanks again for your help and advice.
  25. It's still not working, i went through all of the pcsx2 settings, but I'm ok with the alt + tab twice to start up a game.
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