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  1. Got it to work. I tried having Launchbox reinstall the emulator and it still didn’t work. I then deleted PCSX2 and reinstalled it and then added it to the emulator list and everything works now???
  2. I have my all of my PlayStation 2 games in gz format and they are launching fine in pcsx 2 no problem. When I launch them in Launchbox I get audio but just a black screen? Pcsx2 is selected as the emulator in Launchbox also.
  3. I just updated to the latest version. Previously for PC games I would drag and drop them into my windows pc games folder and it would launch with no problems. Now when I try to to launch a new pc game added it says there is no associated emulator even though its an .exe? Edit** Figured out emulator is now automatically checked so I have to go in and now manually uncheck emulator. Defiantly easier to just drag and drop like before??
  4. For me it was operator error. I had another emulator using a different dolphin version. I deleted the other dolphin emulator and configured all emulators to use the same version of Dolphin and the error went away. Totally forgot I had a separate Dolphin in a different folder.
  5. Mine does that sometimes but if I exit out and restart it works. Just recently now I stay on my desktop screen, ledblinky loads and the taskbar disappears but nothing happens. I have to go into task manager and end the task. Seems to be getting worse with every update.
  6. I can’t say for sure what update caused this since I’ve been keeping up with the updates but haven’t played my cab a lot. Ever since I started using Bigbox I would occasionally get a black screen on start up but as soon as I hit any button it would go to the wheel, no big deal and I think it’s a known issue. However now when I get the black screen at start up I hit a button and Big Box crashes. I go back to my windows desktop but the taskbar isn’t there. I have to go into task manager and close BigBox then restart it and it’s fine.
  7. I dont think this is beta related. I posted about this last week in the trouble shooting section. I am not running beta and still get the error when checking for updates. I am using the correct version of the emulator and plugin and also deleted and reinstalled the emulator.
  8. @C-Beats I see there’s another thread just started about Dolphin using Retroarch. I’m using standalone but could my issue be related you think?
  9. I know that's been changed. Not sure where I got that from lol
  10. This error is occurring as soon as I start download manager for emulators. I use to have two versions of dolphin installed but not any longer. I tried again deleting dolphin and reinstalling and repairing the plug in but still every time I run download manager for the emulators I get both of these errors. It will do both errors twice in a row also? I'm confused on what its checking that it doesn't like?
  11. So I tried updating the plugins and am still getting the same error. I even tried reinstalling dolphin again. I’m confused what the “long version” of Dolphin would be? Is there a file that is storing the wrong version in Launchbox I could delete to start over for Dolphin? Thanks again for the help.
  12. Thanks Joe. I will try this when I get back home.
  13. I keep getting an error in Launchbox for Dolphin when I go to manage emulators. I’ve tried deleting Dolphin and reinstalling and tried letting Launchbox download it but nothing helps. Any ideas?
  14. Well I thought this was fixed but it’s happened a couple times now. LED blinky still loads faster which is nice but the black screen on start up is still happening.
  15. Oh ok. Seems weird to post it then delete it lol. Thanks for letting me know.
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