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Patsy Heart

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  1. Hi, I have a small issue with the Alyssa theme, it didn't have default settings for the switch, so it looked a little broken. I tried replacing the banners through Launchbox, and it caused the theme to break more. Here's a screenshot, any suggestions?
  2. So almost a year ago, a Casio Loopy emulator with sound was developed and here is the most recent updated version for it - https://github.com/smiRaphi/LoopyMSE The Loopy isn't a big console by any means but there is a small, but dedicated fan base for it that is working on stuff like fan translations for Wanwan Aijō Monogatari, so hopefully there will also be a translation for Loopy Town no Oheya ga Hoshii! in the works soon as that's the more interesting Animal Crossing/Life Sim style game for the system. Anyways, I don't think there will be many people who want to emulate the Loopy, who also care enough to not use mame, but for anyone who wants to set up the emulator here are the settings it'll take: Under Default Command-Line Parameters you need to put: %romfile% "location of your bios" "location of your sound bios", then you need to check attempt to hide console window on startup/shutdown Additionally if you'd like it to start in fullscreen, just put this into the running script: Send, !{F11} Now the emulator hasn't been configured to use controllers quite yet, so you'll need to set up xpadder or something to get the controls running, I haven't quite gotten that far in setting it up though. I do hope you all enjoy all 11 games from the Loopy, now with sound, though.
  3. I'd love to!
  4. Thanks for responding, can't wait for this theme to drop.
  5. Quick and probably stupid question, will you release any of the assets for this? I usually separate PC games by the store they're bought from and I was wondering how hard it'd be to make images for those that match this set.
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