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  1. unfortunately I have launchbox installed on my C drive and the install path starts at Program Files with no way to navigate there... Nevermind, I was in the start menu folder path part! Going back i see the path name now. Thanks, this seemed to work. It would be a nice creature comfort if launchbox could detect a simple type of misinstall mistake like this and automatically relaunch the installer so the install can finish or have some sort of "confirm cancel" popup window and then cleanly revert any changes back to the previous version, allowing the user to upgrade cleanly afterward.
  2. So I opened launchbox, it said there was an update, im guessing to 13.17, I clicked Ok, and went back to messenger to continue the convo I was having as it seemed the update had started. So while I'm sending messages and hitting the return key, the DARN windows 10 "do you really want to do this" prompt pops up as I'm hitting ENTER which defaults to "No" and launchbox throws an error message. CRAP!!! So I close launchbox.....close it in the details of task manager.......reopen...Get a blank welcome to screen (close it)..click "check for updates" and Launchbox says its updated and the version reads 13.17 So, I can't imagine it possibly installed correctly. I would expect launchbox installer to KNOW that the windows security thing was denied and just revert the install like any other program and not throw a code and act like it's now updated which I'm almost certain it's not. So I want to let you guys know about that bug. Also is there any way I can repair my installation of Launchbox? I'd hate to find my install is now corrupted and it's going to take DAYS to manually add and download everything again.
  3. I heard some games may just have native compatibilty issues due to lack of current emulation capability. If i were you I'd try different emulators.
  4. So I sort of got it working at least playably, apparently it was my Resolution settings, even though I'm on a 4k TV with AMD Rx580 graphics card and AMD Ryzen 1800 CPU it somehow can't play N64 in 4K. I don't know if my GPU isn't running with Retroarch or what. Also there's a grid of Lines going through everything. Anyone know how to check if Retroarch is running off the GPU or On-board graphics? or why Mario Party has Lines going through it? Any help is appreciated, thanks.
  5. So when I swap to Parallel all the sprites and game squares (or circles) show up again. When I have it set to Glide64 for the 4k Resolution, all I can see is the background Image of say Western town, no characters, no dice block, no game squares (circles in Mario Partys case) basically no sprites at all on the game board just the background. I tried disabling every setting I've changed to get good graphics out of Glide64 but it seems to be Glide64 itself that's doing this as disabling all the non-basic settings still isn't allowing those images to render. Does anyone know what am I can fix this glitch?
  6. So, how do I import these to Launchbox. I'm so tired of chasing down obscure mame files and mame version and mame sets and reading guides based on old versions of mame/mess which mention files that no longer even exist in the program. I got MAME 0.222 Software List (or whatever version I forget could be 0.210 or 0.202 idk) already downloaded, it is a Merged set, how do I get this stuff to work is there a FULL.......COMPLETE.........UPDATED.......guide that isn't missing any steps/files/ or other insight that is crucial to get this stuff to work? HAS ANYONE gotten Software Lists to work? And if so, how did you do it?
  7. O jeez.
  8. There is no mame.ini same with the mess emulator there is no mess.ini from another guide I was reading. Does MAME and MESS no longer support software lists? Why is it so hard to get these to work lol? Don't you love it when a guide says "press this button" or "open this file" and the button and or file don't exist? LOL.
  9. I got cdimono1.zip in my roms folder, I got a folder in my Mess/roms folder named cdimono1 with the cdimono.zip file, I even unzipped cdimono1 and placed those files both in my roms folder and in my cdimono1 folder. I imported all my Philips CD-i CHDs to launchbox. I added MESS to launchbox as an emulator, specified where the exe file is, and added the cdimono1 -cdrm command line to the associated platforms line. And I'm still getting errors loading any game. What step am I missing? It's my understanding I don't need to specify a bios path if I place the bios files in the roms folder as I couldn't find any line referencing "rompath" in either of the two mess "ini" files that were in the mess folder. Here is the Error:
  10. so I figured out the solution, right click ur Launchbox.exe go to Properties, click the Compatiblity tab, click Change high DPI settings, at the bottom check "Override high DPI scaling behavior" and in the dropdown box select "System" click OK and your images will now display fine on 4k TVs. I use this method for TONS of programs that aren't compatible with 4K scaling and it works like a charm.
  11. My Launchbox does this too for most screenshots even PS1
  12. I changed the name in Retroarch under Emulator settings and associated platforms as well and it still wasn't launching. DId you have to restart Launchbox or something for it to set in, I don't think I did that if that's what the difference is.
  13. were you able to launch the games? cuz when i tried to open my NES games retroarch didn't even launch.
  14. You know what I'm saying though. In that 1 particular instance the Platforms should be renameable independent of any other settings, because it should purely be a Display name only. Just like if I changed my username from d2produce to something, I shouldn't need to update my email, update my password, change every tier of settings for something that's purely vestigial. It'd be like changing ur windows username and then having to rename every directory manually. Should be able to edit them freely and make it easy for the user not be BOUND to the default names. I guess in the scheme of things, and maybe nobody wants to admit this, but if Launchbox is somehow paying homage to the Systems and Developers themselves by STICTLY keeping the Original names, I get that, but it's really kinda silly nobody says, "Hey man wanna come over and play some Nintendo Entertainment Sytem?" "Sorry brother, I'm so addicted to this SUPER Nintendo Entertainment system why don't u come here!" NES.......SNES......I don't see any disrespect in using those terms so any attempt that launchbox is taking at taking a bold and honorable stance I don't see it as such and I think Users should have control because at the end of the day it's about them not the Game Corporations.
  15. The program already has a "Scrape As" setting so I don't see how changing a category display name would effect system settings. The Display name shouldn't be tied to anything other than that little panel you see on the left. Just like if my nickname in Life is Big Jim I don't gotta go to Court and change my name legally for people to call me that Nothing should need to change.......not the folders......not the settings.......as long as Launchbox knows NES is really Nintendo Entertainment System......everything should just work. Which makes it seem like the problem is Launchbox DOESN'T consider those category names simply "Display As in this Particular Category List" names......they are system names.......which I'm sure that flaw can be updated or changed within the program itself for easy user renaming.
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