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  1. French 13.19 Language-fr-FR-13.19.zip
  2. Link updated in my post.
  3. Here is the file for French. Language-fr-FR13.18.zip
  4. After a few months, I finished. All games sold in physical format, English or French have the image of the game cart. Mainly of the "Fan art" type. I prioritized in order the USA, Europe, Asia-Japan image. One image by game. It was a lot of work, finding the best quality, sometimes coming from a video, correction of the point of view, upscaling and AI improvement.
  5. French Language-fr-FR-13.16.zip
  6. Hi, someone reject all my "fan art - cart", like this one; What is the problem? I know that the image is not a fan art, it's the real image for north america, but as i use a template for the card, it's considered as fan art, i'm right?
  7. Hi, i will work on the ps vita cart and i'm looking to use this as template. Someone have a better one, if it's not the best one? As i already done hundreds, maybe thousands cart/dvd for other platform, i plan to do all games that they are at least in english. I have 458 games in my list.
  8. French updated. Language-fr-FR13.15.zip
  9. I just saw that the correction done by @zorget was not in the first message. So i merge the file that i done monday with the fix. Language-fr-FRv2.zip
  10. French updated! File removed, please use the file from May 12.
  11. I don't know if i can put this link, i made video snap of 480 games. list.txt https://1fichier.com/?wbbbsuy5ofcpkv5mhxhi
  12. @zorget Good work, i see the text you fixed and these line was not translated by me 😉 I added the new text from latest english string and i replaced the word "noyau" by "coeur" because in french retroarch interface, it's show as "coeur" for core. Language-fr-FR.zip
  13. I will check if i can fix it, for now, don't input a text in the search box. All multi-disc should be created. You will only have to remove some m3u file, for exemple, tekken 2 and tekken 3 will be considered as a multi-disc game. Edit; Fix search text box and removed the file extension of the game in the m3u file, download the new version.
  14. Yes you can fix it, i didn't see these errors.
  15. Hi, I have games from europe, but i want to download images like front box for north america. I set in Option, region priority with north america at the top, but it always download europe image. The only way to download north america, is to set the game as north america, but I would like to let the good region. Is it normal that the region priority doesn't work?
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