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A Retro guy

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Everything posted by A Retro guy

  1. How is this supposed to help me.
  2. I'm sorry for calling the mods names. And thanks for telling me to go to google i aleady have ps2 bios now so thanks. I'm sorry i was spaming i apolgise. And the favor i was talking about was........ Can any of u please tell me where to get a working version of vib ribbon for the PSX. I use 3 rom sites and 2 out of the 3 did not have it, and the one from the other rom site did not work for me.
  3. And i'm talking to u Mr Neil
  4. Oh. And can u do me a favor or something like that.
  5. Also sorry if this offends u. But can u please stop seemingly acting like a punk.
  6. But the thing only shows the 5200 bios, but the cores page on the the docs says i need more than the 5200 bios. So i don't know what to do.
  7. I know.
  8. Ok, but i don't know how to do that.
  9. Yeah.Your right. It's kinda embarrising since i'm in 7th grade.
  10. i do not think u get it. the amstrad gx4000 games only work if i set the model as 6128+ for the caprice 32 core. but normal amstrad cpc games do not work if i set the model to the 6128+ in the caprice 32 core
  11. can u tell me how to fix it
  12. quick qustion do i need bios to run the atari home computers in the atari800 core??????
  13. i[of course] want to emulate the ps2 i just have a couple of qustions first. 1. will selecting the north american ps2 bios that work for pcsx2 make me only be able to play ps2 games that were available for north america. and 2. can any of u tell me where i could get ps2 bios that work for pcsx2 i'm not saying to give me a link to ps2 bios that work with pcsx2[cause i know stuff like that is not allowed on the forums] but i just want u all to tell me where u got your pcsx2 copatible ps2 bios so that i can look up the site u all got them from and have me download the bios from their
  14. no wait i just figured out what to do and that is to have the crocods core emulate amstrad cpc and have the caprice32 core emulate amstrad gx4000. GENIUS!!!!!!!!
  15. k but what is jiffyDOS
  16. i think i might get u
  17. i will just emulate amstrad gx4000 with mame stand alone
  18. hol up amstrad gx4000 games working in retroarch with 6128 plus option for caprice32 but that makes amstrad cpc games not work
  19. wait a minute amstrad gx 4000 games in cpr format are actullay working for the caprice32 core YAY!!!!!!!!!
  20. so i kinda want to emulate the commordore 64 in retroarch i have heard that one of the vice cores is the best option or something like that my problem is that it seems like i might need some bios to even run commordore 64 in retroarch with one of the vice cores and i don't want to scour the internet for bios that i won't even find but their is the frodo core witch does not need bios or anything like that to run commordore 64 games it's just that i'm not sure it is a really good core to emulate commordore 64 compared to the vice cores so can you pls tell me if frodo is a really good core to emulate commordore 64 in retroarch pls
  21. well for collection puposes and also just for the heck of it
  22. yeah i kinda had that problem too
  23. i tested renameing file extensions for both mupen and pallel but it did not fix anything
  24. are u saying this will work for mupen or parrael
  25. i am sorry if i was being a bit mean i am sorry
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