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A Retro guy

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Everything posted by A Retro guy

  1. Ok and i also kinda figured some stuff out with YAC reader so i'm kinda good right now. [PS. I now have every single sonic archie comic that i can read thoru YAC reader so NOICE...... well at the very least the main sonic archie series but still.]
  2. Okay but i don't know how to startup those some games.
  3. well i would like a tutorial video for comic readers like YAC and comic rack pls
  4. Well i got atari st working in retroarch with the hatari core. i just have one problem. I don't how to start my game! i tried preesing all the buttons i could but im' still stuck at the title screen of atari st games somone help me pls.
  5. how do i use comic book ultilty belt.
  6. Are any of u answer this qustion pls?
  7. a quick qustition here but can the p uae core in retroarch emulate the cdtv?
  8. DOS76 can u pls make a pack that contains many good comics so that i might not worry about what site to download from and stuff like that.
  9. Also are u sure getcomics is not a threat.
  10. Ok. Also how do i get comic book ulitilty to work in launchbox so that my comic books will scrape properly.
  11. and how do i get the comic pages into one single entry in launchbox for me to read all of the pages in
  12. Also where do i get the comic book pages so that i can iimport them into stuff like launchbox.
  13. i decied that i don't want to do YAC reader [or at the very least not right now]
  14. No not that . It says that i can download 32 and 64 bit versions of course but it also says that i can download a portable version. But it says the portable version is depricated so i don't know what to do
  15. UM........ Their is two versions of YAC to download for windows. Which one should i download.
  16. OK. But can u tell me where to get YAC and how to set it up, if it even really needs setting up.
  17. I would like someone like you all to make a tutorial video on youtube pls
  18. I think i got u. HECK. It seems like i already did something like that.
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