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A Retro guy

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Everything posted by A Retro guy

  1. well at the very least i am not sure the mupen plus next core is compatible with 64DD games
  2. plus i wanted a rom set that is a file exstension that the caprice32 core actullay supports
  3. k and also whats the arnold emulator
  4. btw i am not even sure that the mupen core really supports 64DD games
  5. no i have not tried the mupen core and my 64DD games are .ndd
  6. never mind i found a video
  7. oh also one last thing can any of u give me a link to a sufami turbo big box video pls
  8. THX!!!!!!
  9. also will the snes option scrape well for sufami turbo
  10. i use retroarch and i use the snes9x core the one without the year next to it
  11. what do u mean by game/rom map?
  12. okay also its not THAT big of a deal that i dont find a rom set for this console i just coudnt find what i want and i thought that maybe u know what to do but u dont so i guess i will just deal with that
  13. yeah i arady sreached in googole but all rom sets i found i coudnt download or were not the right file extension or just out of date or whatevers [or i condnt acess the zip without me typing a password i dont know first] also u do know u can see information like what file extensions it supports by going to load core select the core of your choice go to information then go to core information and do it like that right?
  14. can u at the very least ask your emulation freinds if they know any rom set that would work pls?
  15. i have just imported my 64DD games into launchbox the games are in the right file format i named the platform right in the settings and stuff in retroarch i have the ipl rom and renamed it to what retroarch says it needs so things should go right. RIGHT??? WRONG. when the 64DD hadware option is off the 64DD startup starts and does its thing but i dindint hear the sound because an error thingie popped up and i coudnt get out of it[unlees i click the escape button to get out of the emulator of couse] it said eroor 41 or something like that when the 64DD option is on[and actullay efeects the game cause i restarted retroarch] the 64DD startup was about to do its thing then it crashes so can someone pls help me and btw im using the parral n64 core just so that u would know
  16. that sucks can u tell me a rom set that will probly work with retroarch u dont need to give me a link
  17. will snes catgory at the very least have some metadata for some sufami turbo games?????
  18. well i just download the tosec amstrad gx 4000 rom set on archive and the games are in bin and cpr formats witch caprice32 does not support but caprice32 does support zip filles and the games were aleady in zip filles so maybe the games may boot up in retroarch if i leave the games in their zip filles since the caprice32 core supports zip filles. RIGHT??????
  19. A Retro guy

    sufami turbo

    and i need some way to import my sufami turbo games because their isnt a sufami turbo platform in launchbox so sombody help me PLS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. i serched far and wide on google and i coudnt find any rom sets for the amstrad gx4000 that were the right file extensions btw im using the caprice32 core in retroarch btw but still i need an amstrad gx4000 rom set NOW!!!
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