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Everything posted by Bobins

  1. I'm having the same issue with the Playstation 1. I went to reinstall the platform and it comes with a missing BIOS file. See attched. The file is in 2 locations and none work. Changing the path doens't seem to be reflected in the error message either.
  2. Thanks for that. I have somethign to work with now that you've mentioned the folders above. Thank you.
  3. I'm a little skeptical, as this may (or may not) overwrite themes, config or INI files that I already have installed. I appreciate that the video show how to merge eXo with eXo, but what I need is a solution to merging eXo (and it's launchbox files if needed) with my current launchbox. I've spet a fair amount of time setting setting up my current launchbox, and don't want to overwrite something I may regret. Thanks for the responses, I appreciate them.
  4. I was hoping I could use my instance of launchbox and have the files copied to their releavent folders, rather a few instances of launchbox installed.
  5. eXoDOS comes with Launchbox prepackaged and instructions on how to merge it with other instances of eXo. However, I was wondering if there's a guide/video showing how to merge eXo DOS 6 into a currently installed version of launchbox? Thanks in advance.
  6. Ive sorted this myself and thought I would mention it. The problem was in retroarch witht he BIOSes and i redid them there. I use the same emulator for Launching PAL and the NTSC modes, and let the psx_hw pick up the config in retroarch.
  7. Hi all, I have the Playstation set up to launch with Retroarch. This works fine in retro arch but when I try and launch from launchbox, only the PAL stuff works. I have set the playstation up as 3 seperate consoles in Launchbox (see pic) and would like each one to launch wiht the correct BIOS. Are the some command line args I can use or is there a way to set up for each iteration of the platofrm? I am using mednafen_psx_hw_libretro emu in retroarch Thanks for any help with this issue
  8. Bobins

    lauching A1200

    Hi all, I have my ROMs broken down into 3 folders: CD32\ AGA\ WHDLoad\ I have the CD32 stuff working ok with FS-UAE but I want to lauch the A1200 games with Win-UAE. When I try and lauch them through launchbox, I just get the 1.3WB screen. I realise there should be some command Line stuff and it needs to pick up my A1200.UAE config file in WIn UAE. I am unsure how to write this. Any ideas what the command line should look like for the A1200? Thanks in advance
  9. Thank you for the responses. It's much appreciated.
  10. Can launchbox read the *.gz files and if not, will it be a supported format in the future? Im asking as my PS2 games are compressed in this way.
  11. I don't agree. How does he know that no one here uses a pi or ES? Anyway, I thought it was abrupt and unhelpful, which begs the question, what use was it? I dont believe the issue is solely dedicated to emulation station or the pi, which is why i posted the picture of the files in wondows, showing the 2 different MP4 icons. This is likely a media issue, and you do deal with media, right? I'm not here to make these kinds of post, as they're a waste of everyone's time and achieve nothing. Thanks for the responses.
  12. This is the off topic / Emulation section of the forum. It is precisely the place to post this thread. As I own launchbox anyway, which is what made me decide to post here. I assumed that the community may know of this issue, as it is likely not retroarch at fault. Perhapos diverting new members away from this community and into others is not the best way to grow the user count here.
  13. Hi all, I'm using retropie and emulationstation. Some of the videos have sound but no picture. Having checked the file extension, they're all MP4. If you look at the picture above, this is taken from my Windows PC. The PC_1942.mp4 file doesn't display but has sound on my retropie setup. It works if I execute it in windows. The only difference I can tell is that Payperboy displays a random from the game as its thumbnail and the PC_1942 just has the default mp4 logo. Why are these files considered different by windows and ultimately, my retropie? Thanks for any help
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