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Everything posted by tiualex

  1. Hello there! Just repost this as viking told me, I didn't find some of the systems I have. Specifically "Pokemon mini", "MSX" and "MSX2" for now. I don't want to use different style vids for them. Also they are the first in my list and annoy me. So I tried to do something similar for these systems. Unfortunately I'm not an artist or a designer. My skills very low. Especially on shadows. I used some material from "nostalgia" theme, but l tried my best in everything else.. I didn't know about the tutorial that the viking published. I'm not in "after effects" at all. "Adobe premiere" is my top. But now it is better than nothing for me. I rate my work as a non-professional mod for Colorful theme. But If anyone interested, I can share until viking releases his version of it. For "MSX" I used "Sony HB-75P" model, for "MSX 2" - "Philips vg-8235". Also sorry if my english isn't very good, Thank you. P.S. Oh, I see the guideline now. Maybe I'll try to rework it with correct way later.
  2. Sure. If anyone else interested, Just leave me PM, I can't release it right now publicly without permission from viking.
  3. Hello there! I'm new in frontend world, but I really like this theme for BigBox. Unfortunately I didn't find some of the systems I have. Specifically "Pokemon mini", "MSX" and "MSX2" for now. I don't want to use different style vids for them. Also they are the first in my list and annoy me. So I tried to do something similar for these systems. Unfortunately I'm not an artist or a designer. My skills very low. Especially on shadows. I used some material from "nostalgia" theme, but I'll try my best in everything else.. I didn't know about the tutorial that the viking published. I'm not in "after effects" at all. "Adobe premiere" is my top. But now it is better than nothing for me. I rate my work as a non-professional mod for Colorful theme. But If anyone interested, I can share until viking releases his version of it. For "MSX" I used "Sony HB-75P" model, for "MSX 2" - "Philips vg-8235". Also sorry if my english isn't very good, Thank you.
  4. Oh, thank you! it was in front of my eyes all the time. ?
  5. Hello, sorry if my question are stupid, but I can't find the answer. I have a quite large collection of roms with different regions and versions. As I understand, when launchbox finds different version of same game, they are "combined" into one entry. It's okay, but I want to set up which version will be starts by default and don't know how to do it. Please help!
  6. Yeah. It's not really what I want, but pretty interesting though. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
  7. Hello, I know this topic is old, but I'm new here in frontends world and I'm still interested with this theme. I'm audio guy and chiptune composer myself and I have huge collection of videogame soundtracks in original formats. Low bitrate mp3s is not acceseble for me, but flac or something has to much size on hdd. Original formats are really small size and sounds great in most cases. I use foobar2000 audio player for these. There is a way to integrate it or something? It will be really immersive for me and save me huge discspace. Thank you, guys!
  8. Okay! Thanks!
  9. Hello, I can't sign in or register on website for some reason. Maybe because I bought Premium without registration. However I was able to register on forum. But when I try to register on website, I get A user with that Gamer Tag already exists. Please try another. But I'm 100% sure Its my Gamer Tag. Then I try reset password , and get e-mail: You (or someone else) entered this email address when trying to reset the password of a LaunchBox account. However, this email address is not on our database of registered users and therefore the attempted password reset has failed. Then I try to log in on site, and get a Username and password do not match message and so on in a circle. Please help. I can't use "Cloud" function and maybe something else. I'm sorry if my english isn't very good.
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