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  1. This pluguin doesnt show on right click menu, after launchbox 13.19. Last version working launchbox 13.18... very usefull for manually edit playtime when something goes wrong or you play on different platforms, example SteamDeck...
  2. Good morning, I wonder if there is a way for launchbox to correctly count the time played in the games imported from Xbox GamePass and EA Games, (To keep the feedback up to date I have to say, that the time counting system works correctly with games from (STEAM, AMAZON GAMES, and I think also EPIC Games, although I still need to confirm it). With XBOX gamepass something can be done if I manually modify the launcher to the .exe of the game, however, to keep the xbox badget, I must create an additional application with the path xbox:// and every time I import new games from the platform, it creates a new additional application. Also it takes me these applications as different versions of the game showing me the badget of multiple versions, I like the perfection and I'm annoyed by this. With EA Games it doesn't record anything at all natively, I think to remember that with ORIGIN it get the data directly from the platform. Greetings!
  3. Good afternoon, I was reading this thread as I have a similar situation, I do not have MisterFPGA, however, I do have some original consoles, and on many occasions I use them to play natively, basically PS2, PS3, PS4, Atari 2600, MegaDrive/Genesis, (that is all my collection) except my main handheld PSVita where i like to play handheld consoles. The thing is that I have reached a certain process of automation, which especially began to interest me at the time that LaunchBox began to count the game time, I needed to "launch" somehow the games from LaunchBox for this somehow and thus have those records in my database. The solution within my reach and that works great for what I'm looking for is the use of run scripts, at first I started with very basic things like a popup window with close button with text like (close this window when you finish your game). I used it as main executable of the game, then I complicated things a bit more, for example with PS4 and PS3, having it connected to the same 4K monitor as the PC, using an application called "controlmyMonitor" that allows execution through parameters in shortcut, I managed to make "controlMyMonitor" change the input source automatically so that when running a PS4 game, automatically launches the PS4 Remote Play, is an application that allows you to play remotely to a PS4, with the same script automatically made the necessary clicks so that the application automatically got into the PS4 remotely, you have to make a series of clicks in the window, I did it with sequential and studied TAB and enter keystrokes. In addition I automatically change the monitor source (with controlMyMonitor), and as I being playing remotely, I can use the same pad that I have connected to the computer, the sound output is also executed by the same means, which saves me having to connect anything to the PS4 except, power and local network, it becomes a very simple method (this same method can be used for PS3 for example with some caveats) for the case of older consoles that I like to play on CRT I basically do the same thing but I have to do the process of turning on the TV and changing the input source manually, sound and controls are native on this case. Obviously loading the required game is a manual process in this case, but hey, it allows you to complete launchbox statistics and have access to manuals and all the multimedia hosted in Launchbox. I hope the idea give you a path to run!
  4. I would like to comment on a bug I have noticed regarding the automatic playback of a game music inside the launchbox interface. When in a certain game, I add music tracks (usually OST of the game itself) I like that when I click on it, the music of the game is played. The thing is that I like to have the option to autoplay music so that as soon as I select a game and see the game information, the original music of the game plays in the background. However, there is a problem, that I have discovered and it is that if in the same game that has music, there is a video (trailer or similar) the music does not play automatically or starts to play and instantly stops, it is true that when there is a video, if the option autoplay video is active the video is played as a priority, and of course here it would be a matter of choosing one thing or another, there would not be much to do, however, I have tried disabling the autoplay video option, with this configuration I understand that when I click on a game, the music should be heard and in case I manually press play on the video, it should stop the music and go to the audio of the video. The thing is that this does not happen, if there is a video in the game, directly the music will not play correctly even if the video is paused. This does not happen when with this setting (autoplay music ON, autoplay video OFF) I select a game that does not have videos, in that case the music plays correctly, but if I change to select a game with video automatically this problem occurs. I would like to know if there is any solution or if it could be considered as a bug to be corrected. Greetings and thank you very much.
  5. Thank you so much for your answer @Jason Carr, finally i buyed a PSVITA and im playing portable titles with it. If someone is interested I have installed a pluguin that count time played on PSVITA and PSP games, if someone is interested its called TrackPlug its present on "Autoplugin II" selection. For retroarch games i have time played on retroarch itself. I can transfer manually time played to Launchbox going to xml files of every platform. One suggestion, it could be interesting to change manually played time inside game details UI of LaunchBox, nowaday as i can see only its possible going directly to xml files of every platform. Thanks!!
  6. Good evening, im premium lifetime user of LaunchBox Windows, now im trying LB android because next week im going to travel and for long plane times could be a good thing to play some retro gameboy games, To the question, I like to have all my collection on the PC, however to play portable console games, (GB, GG etc..) I have been thinking of acquiring some of these chinese portable mini console, next week I will be traveling and as a test I will use launchbox for airplane rides on my Samsung S21 phone, the performance is great, however, I see that even accessing the xml of the platform (GB for example) "root\launchbox\platform\nintendo game boy.xml" is not recorded neither the time I played a title nor the number of times, I see that the variable is in this XML file <PlayCount> and <PlayTime>, this item is a data that I like to consult on my pc version of LB, I understand that today LaunchBox Android and Windows do not communicate with each other, however its no a problem for me until this function is implemented to move the data manually to maintain an updated database. The thing is it seems launchbox android does not record any of this data, I have been monitoring the files before and after loading a title. Is there any way to get this data today? It is planned to be implemented in the future? For me to buy a hanheld console for emulation its important that this function works to have all my database updated. Greetings and thank you very much.
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