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Everything posted by rmetzger

  1. I know this is old, but wondering if anyone has figured out how to boot HD or FD files from Launchbox? I have a HD image of Alltynex, as I don't know of a CD image that exists, and through the GUI it loads file, but can't figure out how to load a HD image through launchbox.
  2. I have Tsugaru setup and I can run all my CD and HDD games thru the gui with no problem. I added all my cd games to launchbox so that I can use them through it. However, after the game loads, I cannot start a game in launchbox for some reason. I can hit esc and it goes back to launchbox/bigbox, but other than that, controls do not work. No problem playing them with the gui, but using the cui in launchbox, nothing works. Would appreciate some help. I have attached my emulator settings from launchbox. 2nd Q: Is there anyway to get HDD files to work, like Alltynex. When I launch through the GUI, it takes me to the desktop and I have to click alltynex and then it runs. Is there a way to automate all this in launchbox?
  3. I am setting up wii emulation on my arcade system and have regular games running just fine in full screen. I created a new version of Dolphin for light gun games. The games run in a window mode where the menu is still showing. I try to go fullscreen and the white borders won't show. Is there anyway to play the games with the white border and not see the menus?
  4. I have most of my 7800 games running through retroarch, however it does not support light guns. I found emu7800 which runs all of them great so want to use it for the light gun games. Problem is, it starts to the menu and doesn't start the rom. I put in -cart in the command line emulator setup. How do I get it to start the game?
  5. Just got to try this and it works great. If Atari joystick is 1st and I add the 4 way joystick, it moves the sticks to 4 way position. Thank you for all your hard work!
  6. well, Atari games can be 4 or 8 way. I was referring to a game like Pac Man where you want it to be a 4 way joystick. Atari joystick was 1st and then 4 way was 2nd, it didn't work. I put 4 way first and atari 2nd and it worked. There are atari games that are 8 way so I wouldn't want them to be all 4 way.. I was just asking if I need to make sure that the 4 way is 1st and then atari is 2nd so that it will change automatically. The atari joystick is more for playlists than anything I believe.
  7. I am using a regular HD for all my Roms. I have them also backed up to an external drive that I don't have connected to the computer except when I add games or need to backup for other reasons (I just updated MAME so I put the new mame on the external instead of the old one). I have the OS, Launchbox and everything that is not roms on a 1TB M.2 drive. Works great.
  8. I have a question on this. I downloaded and it works great as long as the 4 way is the primary controller. I had atari 5200 which had "atari joystick" as the primary controller and I added 4 way under it so that it would switch automatically to 4 way and it didn't. I then got rid of "atari joystick" and it worked fine. If I put atari joystick after the 4 way it still worked. I'm guessing it has to be the primary controller for this to work. Correct on this thought?
  9. I noticed that too after trying to figure out how to get them in the list. I don't know why are some type and others are other types either, doesn't make any sense. I added a bunch of those and now have to go through and delete a few that shouldn't be there because I have wii games on there and light gun wii games, but they are all "wii remote" so I had to add that to get any of them. No big deal, just something else to delete.
  10. I must have done something wrong
  11. I have the built in light gun playlist for Launchbox, but am looking for something like I have for my shmups. I have a playlist that I downloaded that is shmups (all in one) which has arcade and other systems in the playlist. Is there a light gun one that includes arcades and other systems (nes, snes, computer systems, etc)?
  12. What are you using for controller drewjbx? I found one that flips but pad config will not take any of my inputs and I’m using an ipac.
  13. Does anyone know how to make gigawing vertical instead of horizontal using teknoparrot? Makes the game unplayable for me and have seen video of it playing vertical from teknoparrot so I know it's possible.
  14. Same scaling and I made sure my video driver was up to date by downloading the most recent drivers from Nvidias site. It's really strange because I play Ikaruga and it goes back to bigbox like normal. I play crimzon clover and bigbox moves to my marquee. So I am clueless why on one game it is fine, but another it isn't using the same program.
  15. I have no issues running any emulator on my screens other than teknoparrot. When I start a game it runs fine, problem is when I exit back to front end, the front end is then on my marquee instead of my main screen. My marquee also shows the game name in bigbox and then start game and it disappears. 20210711_204850.mp4 nyone have any ideas how to fix this?
  16. It is set to altar 400/800 as a few of the games work. Atlantis and another game I started with no problem. Problem seems to be how do you start a game. Atlantis I just pushed the fire button and it worked. Another game I hit the fire button, it said hit trigger button, and it worked. Other games like frogged and berzerk sit at the start screen but won’t let me start. I’m hitting my “start” button on my control pad but nothing. Must be something else I need to don. Also not sure what you mean by the “correct Atari 800 roms”
  17. I have the games downloaded and some work, others just sit there. I made a 2nd copy of retroarch, called the folder retroarch 2 as I have the 5200 running on my primary retroarch. Atlantis, I can boot up, hit the fire button and play the game with no problem. Frogger/Berzerk, the game boots up but I can't start a game. Every button I hit does nothing, not sure if there is a certain way to start this or not. Demon attack, I boot it up, a splash screen comes up that says demon attack and no matter what button I hit it does nothing. Ideas on how to get this to work? One thing I see could be an issue is that the emulator seems to use F4 for the start button, however I have servosticks and F4 turns it to a 4 way joystick. Not sure if this is part of my issue or not. Any help would be appreciated. I never owned an Atari computer and would love to get these games working to play and to compare to the atari 2600/5200, arcade systems.
  18. I actually built a PC for my machine this year. I used the Intel I3 10-100 for a processor and it seems to run everything with ease that I throw at it. I am running some teknoparrot games and all that I have done so far run great. I am not running any windows PC games so if your looking at doing those you might need more power. I see you can still get it for around and for the price it is a really good processor. You can go I5 or I7 if you want but the cores won't matter with most emulation. Again, unless you are going to be running PC games on your machine. When looking for a CPU look at the speed, not the cores. Graphics card wise, I would suggest looking out on FB marketplace or ask around the community. I was able to get a GEForce 1060 from someone on the mame cabinet builders FB page for $112.00. Works great for everything I need. One thing I did an would recommend is getting a small SSD drive or M.2 drives and putting your OS, Front end and emulators on it. Buy a cheap large HD for your roms. I have a 2 TB 7200RPM HD and it has no issues running the games.
  19. I noticed in the playlists that were generated by launchbox and then i downloaded the media for the playlists it has information on my main screen and my marquee. When I download a playlist video from on here it shows the video on the main screen and my marquee is black. What am I looking for to put on my marquee to show Favorites on the marquee or Ball and paddle games on marquee?
  20. I downloaded 3 playlists from here (Dual Stick games, Trackball games, Spinner games) and wondering if anyone has videos or anything else I can put into big box so it's not just a black screen when I go to the category. Once I get into the category it shows everything, just a black screen here and would be nice to have something. Thanks!
  21. Is there anyway to configure a spinner in retroarch? I want to use the spinner as my paddle for paddle games on the Atari 2600. Also want to see if it's possible to fake the jaguar into thinking my spinner is the x coordinate when playing tempest so I can use a spinner instead of pressing left and right to make it more arcade feeling. People have made spinners on real atari jaguar gamepads, just not sure if I can make retroarch do that. Thank you for the help all!
  22. Thanks, figured it was something simple I was missing. Only my 2nd say with bigbox. Lots to learn for sure
  23. I downloaded a couple custom themes and when I am at the game select I see the box/cartridge with a screenshot, so no issue there. However when I am at the system select screen none of the systems show up on my main screen, just a black screen. On my marquee I have a system screenshot. I see the systems if I have it on the default theme. Why would this be happening? 20210606_144458.mp4
  24. That worked, thank you. It is case sensitive. I couldn’t figure out why it wouldn’t go full screen til you pointed out the difference in how we wrote it.
  25. Is this where I’m supposed to put it?
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