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Everything posted by Tsigarinho

  1. Then Unfortunately i don't use clear logos.
  2. Do you mean the artbox of every game?
  3. I was trying to figure out how to do this. Thank you
    At last!!!! Everything is working great!!!! Thank you very much for your time and sharing those files!!!!!
  4. That was very very helpful!!! At last i fixed it!!!
  5. Hmmm didn't know of that. I'll give it a try
  6. Oh man that did the trick!!!! I didn't have the databases folder inside Retroarch/system folder. Now every game is playable!!!! Thank you very much!!!!!
  7. OK didn't think of that. I'll give it a shoot when i go back home. If it stills not working even i haven't any errors, i would like you could share me your configuration, bios and roms please. Thank you very much. I'll come back later.
  8. Hmmm really strange. I am also using bluemsx. Can you send me please the Machines folder inside your Retroarch folder inside system folder as also the bios and those 2 roms? I think i am missing something there. Thanks in advance for your time.
  9. Yeah i know that but i have seen people playing those games on youtube. So they are working. Just wondering if i have made a mistake or missing any bios files, that's why i am asking if anyone here has those games and test them.
  10. Yes i have read the libretro page and i have done everything correctly. For a strange reason some games don't run and stuck on that blue screen. I have tried several versions and different emulators but all the same. I think it might be some bios files, but i don't know for sure. I'll try another emulator, maybe is problem with retroarch.
  11. Hi guys. I am using blueMSX emulator from Retroarch to play games for MSX and MSX2. I have copied bios files to Retroarch/system folder. The bios are: PAINTER.ROM MSXDOS2.ROM MSX2PEXT.ROM MSX2P.ROM MSX2EXT.ROM MSX2.ROM MSX.ROM KANJI.ROM and a folder named ''Machines" which has a lot of folders and files inside. So everything is working great except some games that are stuck on a blue screen (Check photo). For example Batman - Rescue The Rovin & American Soccer games are not working. Other games are working great as Aliens - Alien 2 or Contra or Metal Gear Solid. Any idea why this is happening? Do i miss any bios files? Can you confirm that those games are working for you? Thanks in advance.
  12. The emulator for American Laser Games must be a .bat file. 1) For Example name it ''American Laser Games'' and that .bat file must have those lines daphne.exe singe vldp -fullscreen -x 800 -y 600 -framefile singe/%1/%1.txt -script singe/%1/cdrom-%1.singe 2) You'll notice that you have also .bat files inside that folder, each for every game. Edit it and type the same as mine (Example for crime patrol) C:\Users\HERE CHOOSE YOUR USER\LaunchBox\Emulators\Daphne_Singe\daphne.exe singe vldp -x 800 -y 600 -fullscreen -framefile singe/crimepatrol/frame-crimepatrol-cdrom.txt -script singe/crimepatrol/cdrom-crimepatrol.singe As you can see you must type the exact path of where your .bat file is. 3) Inside singe folder you must have the games. Tell me if you do it
  13. I have mine working 100% but i remember i changed something on .bat files. When i go back home i'll help you. Just tell me which exactly games you are trying to play.
  14. Hi i managed to import some ALG games and make them playable through Launchbox. The above commands in the .bat file works only with few games. For example about Mad Dog McCree i had to create a new .bat and then add it as a new emulator to the launchbox. So i have an emulator just for Mad Dog. It took me some time to understand it how it works but now that i know everything is looking beautiful and playable 100%. Thanks.
  15. Koroth i finally fixed it. Every game now has it's own control. I edited every game one by one and also i found the service mode to calibrate gun games. The Alt + Enter shortcut helped me a lot to do it. Actually that was what i was looking for. So everything is working fine. Now it's time to move on to sega model 3. Thanks again man!
  16. Ok then i will do it that way. I will do it for all 32 games i have for that emulator. I hope it will keep those settings for later gaming. Thank you very much!
  17. Hello everybody. I am new to launchbox and i am using the latest free version. I managed to add some SEGA model 2 games and run just fine in full screen also. My problem is that when i run SEGA model 2 through launchbox, i can't edit controls for each game (as it runs in full screen and if i press esc it will go back to launchbox). So how can i edit and save somehow the controls for each game on Sega model 2 emulator? Is there a way? Maybe writing something in EMULATOR.INI? Thanks in advance!
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