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Everything posted by Centimetro

  1. Hey, I'd love to have provided more info in case it helps anyone else out in the future, but now before you replied what I did was I just redid my Launchbox implementation -- so I delted all the games, and set them up using FS UAE UUID again. It works now, so I can no longer figure out exactly what caused my issue. Weird though, because I had treated all games the same, and I couldn't find any common ground between the ones that weren't working and the ones that were (vast majority were working) I'm guessing you're right and there was some sort of problem with my Launchbox settings, and if I had to guess it probably had something to do with the fact that I didn't complete the setup of the FS UAE UUID on the first pass. I went back and did that after you helped me with it, and I might have overlooked something that was hard for me to detect in the process. But just starting fresh seems to have worked. Exciting
  2. Thanks, I got that sorted out and have now completed the steps in your guide! The only other thing I had to adjust for the newer version was the location of the .prefs file. After getting LaunchBox setup, the only issue I now have is that SOME of my games (lets say about 10%) are not loading via Launchbox, even they work fine in FS-UAE standalone. They are UHDLoads, .lha file. Here is an example error message if I try to load them with Launchbox: They are all similar errors (just substituting their respective filenames). Any idea what I should look at? It says to check WHDLoad arguments, where I am just using the defaults from the database, and I don't see anything out of the ordinary I must say, Launchbox + FS-UAE has revived the Amiga for me by bypassing the tedious front end of WinUAE. I also didn't know about UHDLoads until I saw your guide, so that's new and exciting as well. Can't wait till I get it all working!
  3. Hello, thanks for the guide, very clear explanations up until the end -- which I figured out the source of my confusion. The file "Launcher.sqlite" is no longer used in current build of FS-UAE, so I cannot figure out how to setup the UUID Explorter program
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