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4-Bit Adder

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  1. I am very much looking forward to the Steam Decks release, and would love to see a native version of LB on there, but i do understand that this will take a substantial amount Dev time to implement... until that day, i'm pretty sure Valve have said that you can dual boot the Deck, so you can have windows for LB and SteamOS for your Steam library! depending on your storage options of course.
  2. Much Appreciated, this saved me sooo much time.
  3. Yeah I noticed those, as you said it's just a little tedious that every time you create a new system you have to update them all again, shame that there is not an option to choose a default root location for your media/artwork. Also I noticed that their is an entry for a path for theme videos in the XML but not in the LB settings. ?
  4. Hey guys, I'm fairly new to LB loving it so far, its so much easier to use than Hyperspin!! anyway, not sure if this question has been asked before, I couldn`t find it after a quick search.. soo.. Is there any plans or current features inside of LB that I can use to change the root/default media directory's for my platforms? like there is for Roms? As it stands atm, my media sits on a network location shared by multiple devices, and whenever I create a new platform I have to either edit the platform paths for each media location, i.e. front box, 3d box etc.. which is very time consuming. Or I can use Notepad++ after I have added the platforms to find/replace all the paths in the platforms.xml which is much quicker. Just wondered if there were anything I've missed in the settings or plans to add it in LB itself rather than have to use external programs?
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