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  1. I'm using an Image to duplicate the UI Element of the Wheel to create a wheel that shows in both directions (this would be for a Cocktail screen) Any idea why the "duplicate" wheel has a 'jumping' effect on it? Is this just like lag from duplicating a UI Element or do I likely have some weird effect enabled somewhere? 2023-11-28 18-49-50.mkv
  2. Thanks, was able to figure it out this way -- in BigBox, the theme view is under "Vertical Wheel"
  3. Altered the WheelsGamesView of _Theme Components in the CTC but when I install and apply the theme, the option for that view isn't there?
  4. Nice, this thread is much closer to what I would be looking for! But like an actual database on this Cause like, even for Golden Tee, they list 2k and just says there's another version that's "Tournament Edition" but doesn't actually say what that means
  5. Thanks for the reply but, unfortunately, that site doesn't seem to have any info on the actual changes between game versions. The highlighted line refers to the fact that the main series barely changed at all from Golden Tee 3D, 97, 98, 99, 2k, and Classic (as they're essentially all the exact same game but with new courses) But what I'm looking for is like what's the difference between Golden Tee 3D Golf 1.7 and Golden Tee 3D Golf 1.8 I'm sure it's just like insanely small improvements but wondering what they were or if it's even documented
  6. Was setting up Golden Tee 3D in MAME last night and saw the how many different versions there are for the Rom: Version 1.4 Version 1.5 Version 1.6 Version 1.7 Version 1.8 Version 1.91L Version 1.92L Version 1.92S Version 1.93N But there didn't seem to be any notes I could find on what exactly the differences are? I'm sure it's minor stuff, but is there any sort of rom database that might include the differences in different versions of a Rom? There's even completely different Golden Tee games like Golden Tee Royal Edition Tournament and Golden Tee Supreme Edition Tournament but there's no descriptions that I could find that actually explains what the differences are with these games.
  7. Perhaps I'm misinterpreting the millisecond speed values for BigBox attract mode but jesus that wheel whips itself at every settings I try Would love a speed that's drastically slower, or even just a speed setting where BigBox just cycles thru every game in order in a platform/playlist
  8. For more context, I'm using RetroArch to launch my emulators Which leads me to believe this is somehow an issue with RetroArch as running a standalone version of MAME, outside of RetroArch, seems to have no issue assigning inputs properly
  9. Here's a weird one: When I move either of my arcade controller's Joysticks 'Right', MAME suddenly began recognizing this movement as 3 different inputs Attached a video of me assigning controls in MAME; as you can see, moving the joystick applies 3 separate inputs bundled together into MAME 2022_06_12_03_47_Img_4248-2.m4v
  10. Yeah, using MAME 2003 Plus core via Retroarch I'll try getting the ROM version for regular MAME 2003 and even for my newest version of MAME to see if either of those work It's just weird that it seems to work with every other game
  11. Hey, so I have all my bezel art working fine except for Smash TV The actual rom I have is smashtv6 I've tried renaming the bezel file to all sorts of different things like smashtv, smashtv6, smashtv_6 Any idea what the file name needs to be to connect the bezel art to the game??
  12. I was using regular Mame2003 Decided to try switching Mame2003 Plus and putting the samples in the sample folder for Mame2003 Plus and it worked! So it looks like I'm good -- thanks!
  13. So I want to play Donkey Kong in MAME 2003 so that it saves my high scores I have the Donkey Kong rom from the MAME 2003 non-merged rom set in my ROMs folder (LaunchBox > Emulator > RetroArch-Win64 > system > ROMs > MAME 2003 Roms) And I have the necessary dkong.zip file of sounds scattered into multiple locations cause I just kept copy/pasting it all over to see what would work (so far nothing) Where do these sound files go if I'm using MAME 2003 via RetroArch?? I've seen a couple different answers online and they also seem to be for folks using RetroPi or just straight MAME 2003 so can't find a direct answer The dkong.zip file containing the sounds is currently in: LaunchBox > Emulator > RetroArch-Win64 > system > mame2003 > samples LaunchBox > Emulator > RetroArch-Win64 > system > mame2003 > samples > dkong LaunchBox > Emulator > RetroArch-Win64 > samples LaunchBox > Emulator > RetroArch-Win64 > samples > dkong LaunchBox > Emulator > RetroArch-Win64 > system > ROMs > MAME 2003 Roms > samples LaunchBox > Emulator > RetroArch-Win64 > system > ROMs > MAME 2003 Roms > samples > dkong But none of those locations seem to be correct -- any other location suggestions?
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