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Everything posted by eonder87

  1. Hi how can we change every arcade game with different cabinet image. Like in Midway mk2 cabinet image and NBA Hang Time cabinet image is same on theme. i want to change game with marquee video and cabinet artwork.
  2. Hi your themes is really looking good. I like it but I want to change blue background color to different ones maybe can change by games color. Maybe little dark effect with no color with diffuse with glass or frosted glass effect. And if we can use only photos i will be happy on game view. It's not a bad critisism I'm only suggest for update. --------------------------------------------- This file look awesome in game screens. Only changed accent color and tranparency lowered. And added different case on system. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zY1Pl8rUdJVHaSREdr-ZfIfQJQpRHd9E/view?usp=sharing
  3. I want to add different but originl cabinet image and marquee on game view. I changed whole platform but i only add or change single game cabinet artwork like. If i look sf2ce i want to see sf2ce original cabinet if i look a mk2 i want to see mk2 cabinet for that.
  4. How can we get those xml files. because your collection massive. maybe game names will be helpfull.
  5. @Cauptain yeah i know all files are correct. But i see some lines only numbers or special characters, such as a question mark or exclamation point. I asked if it had a meaning in the program. Some lines do not have equivalents for example OPL Emulation Mode: if you change non changeable ones or problematic ones i will translate rest of all.
  6. Hi i started now but some of word are numbers or non-replace ones. Please try this file work or not and write non-replaced and numbers ones. If you do that i will continue. Maybe some lines maybe wrong or create a situation for LaunchBox or BigBox. @Jason Carr. Language-tr-TR half tranlated.rar
  7. Hımm that's really right. My native language is Turkish and i want to translate English to Turkish. If i use that files to older version. is that work or not? because i have a only old version of Launchbox. 11.10. Not 12.00
  8. How can i found the english ones for translate?
  9. Maybe i'm do it some basic stuff and another will complete. Please send me a English version for translate.
  10. Hi how can translate to language Turkish. I'm knowing english but i want to use in Turkish. Which file contains the language files.
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