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Everything posted by Goodmango

  1. Then why not do as Arc browser did. Use this link it may help you figure something out https://arcbrowser.com/safproxy
  2. Yes there is . Do you want a name.
  3. What do you want to know. The the address that each emulator needs to launch the games. Like this (org.mupen64plusae.v3.fzurita/paulscode.android.mupen64plusae.SplashActivity).
  4. All you need is to contact mupen64 developer. The same solution for his emulator will work with PPSSPP, dolphin and all other emulators. By the way implementing aethersx2 to your front end is all you need for other emulators including mupen64 to work the way is the same and I am pretty sure aethersx2 implementing is the hardest of them all .
  5. Finally the biggest android update for launch box. I was waiting for this day since I joined this forum . Great work and make launch box the greatest front end on Android . 😃👍
  6. DiG is a dead project and I didn't see anyone who can contact it's developer. By the way there are three front ends that added the support of the new scoped storage .
  7. Don't waste your time all the emulators you mentioned aren't supported except redream . wait for launch box to update.
  8. Great to hear it is working 👍
  9. You can say so .
  10. Two of the front ends are paid only you can find on play store. One is free and you can get from their website. If the moderator approved it I can post their names.
  11. Go to this site https://m.apkpure.com/tr/dolphin-emulator/org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/versions?_gl=1*7expsw*_ga*YW1wLWhDZ0RmWXQxdExtbE9aRnJCNGNKNGZVNE1MQ3R0RnpGOWVhaHp1TFFOaGdOR0xteXI5SVlqVTAza3QwUVc4Umk. Search for old version. After that I think you can update from play store.
  12. Don't worry . It is a fixable problem and there are three front end apps that fixed it. You need to wait for update of launch box to make it use the scoped storage.
  13. Actually there is a work around to solve dolphin emulator problem. You should download older version of dolphin and play a game using the emulator not launch box. After that update dolphin to the latest version . Now it will work with launch box.this method is working only for dolphin and it is a temporary fix.
  14. The most important thing is the update. It doesn't matter if it comes sooner or later.
  15. Now there are three front end apps that updated to launch aethersx2 , PPSSPP and mupen64 games. Only launch box needs to update. I wish it is updating soon
  16. Try to communicate with the emulator developer. Because he didn't clarify how to use front end app with his emulator.
  17. Pegasus added it recently. Because they were searching for a way to solve the scoped storage problem. Here is the page https://github.com/mmatyas/pegasus-frontend/issues/915#issuecomment-993139861 By the way PPSSPP can be opened through front end apps. No need for them to change anything.
  18. Launch box developer will update to solve this problem.
  19. Great to hear 😊. That's means you will add the support for all emulators that's using scoped storage like PPSSPP and mupen64.
  20. Is this android forum!
  21. I think you can't converter to CHD on android . Try downloading your CHD games directly from the internet.
  22. No problem 👍
  23. Why not converter your games to (.CHD) extension. It is like zip but all Dreamcast emulators can read it.
  24. The problem is not on launch box . The programmer of aethersx2 didn't implement this feature on the emulator.
  25. Redream won't read a game that is on zip or 7z extensions. You must extract it.
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