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Everything posted by Goodmango

  1. I figured it out. Now redeam work with all front end apps.
  2. I tried to open games through redream from launch box and it didn't work for me. It is opening the emulator itself not the games. Is there something I should do to make it work . I am using android 11.
  3. Does redream work with launch box.
  4. Don't waste your time. Wait for an update.
  5. Ok I will stop posting about this subject. Good luck.
  6. Believe me if you try now you will be able to fix this problem. By the way could you add the ability to add any emulator other than the listed on launch box.
  7. yes. İt was Jason the one i meant.his replied to someone who asked about a fix for mupen64.İ think it is here https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/62907-m64-plus-fz-pro-mupen64-fz-pro/?do=findComment&comment=390044
  8. Actually I don't know if it is your statement or other moderator. İ though there is only one person who has the red light icon on his account.
  9. When I started talking about the Scoped Storage problem and how it needs to be fixed İ meant to notify the developers of launchbox that there is a fix and someone already did it. On your statement here on the site you mentioned that this problem occur because of Google and it maybe impossible to get solved unless Google change it police about storage. The thing is all emulators will eventually update and use the new storage method . Here launch box and other Android front end apps will be useless . Again all İ meant is to notify about the fix. P.S. i am not a native speaker so don't comment on my writing.
  10. I told you it's launch box problem . The developers should communicate with emulators developers to solve this problem. I think launch box must be the leading app for other front ends . because they have the resources and developers.
  11. You didn't understand me . The developer fixed the problem on Android 11. But, front end apps should implement this fix on their apps. DiG developer didn't update his app to make it work with this new method. Actually DiG app has more problems than launching games on new updated emulators . It can't launch scummvm games and won't let you choose what files extensions to install . The front end I meant that fixed this problem is another front end. By the way I have the paid version of DiG app and I couldn't find a way to communicate with it's developer to ask him if he is going to support DiG or not .
  12. Here you can read this.
  13. Believe me it is launch box issue. I have another front end that launching mupen64 and PPSSPP on their last update . Didn't you read what mupen64 programmer write on his last update . The thing he wrote is related to the fix he implanted for front end apps.
  14. I am using another front end and It is launching mupen64 and PPSSPP games on my Android 11 device . The programmer of this front end now trying to fix redream and Yaba sanshiro emulators by contacting their programmers to help him to solve this problem.
  15. I meant launch box . Launch box must be updated to support new Android storage requirements. All new updates for all emulators will use new storage path if they want to continue on Play store . This new update made front end apps non usable . Launch box programmer couldn't figure out how to fix this problem . But there is other front end app that fixed this problem . My advice for launch box programmer is to contact mupen64 programmer to help him fix this problem and i know for sure mupen64 programmer knows how to fix it . By the way I am not s native speaker and my writing sometime isn't clear.
  16. See this page and read about scoped storage https://dolphin-emu.org/blog/2021/11/13/dolphin-progress-report-september-and-october-2021/
  17. Did you install it from play store recently.because the app is now support the new Android storage method. If you want it to be fixed there are two solutions I know that can fix it. First one is for the launchbox programmer to add the support to work with Android 11 and later . The second one is to download older version of dolphin then play a game after that update to new version.
  18. I used the free version of launchbox to play games on mupen64 . It keeps saying failed to load . I really want to buy launch box today on black Friday . Could you fix this problem because it is the only reason i didn't get launch box till now. I now for sure that this problem was fixed on other front end . Why don't you ask other developers for a help. I think mupen64 will help you on this problem.
  19. Great support , it means the programmer is adding more systems even if they can add it manually.
  20. Isn't it possible to add system manually on launchbox.
  21. Have you fixed Android 11 compatibility yet. By the way arc browser programmer fixed this problem and PPSSPP emulator too . They both launch now on arc browser and he is now trying to fix redream and Yaba sanshiro emulators to work with his launcher. I think you can fix those problem too.
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