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Everything posted by ChickenGeorge

  1. Thank you for the speedy response, and everything you provide to the community & this forum. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
  2. Don't flame me I'm late to the party., Tried to plugin. Every time i change an image on say monitor 1 or 3. It changes it to every monitor. No matter what i do to try and make separate selections. One change is global on all the monitors in the plugin> is there something I'm missing or a newer version or revision available. Thanks in advance for any help or insight you can provide. I can only select one or the other it seems. The Gui sees all 3 monitors. But whenever I make changes, it shows the same changes on all 3 monitor selections in the GUI. Even when i try to select screen #2 my marquee, it breaks the 3rd screen the front / kick panel display. What am i missing... Thanks in advance for any help. I'm using the DisplayOnMonitorX v1.1 from page 2
  3. Did you get this to work for model 2 what about supermodel(model 3) Teknoparrot? Were able to find game specific bezels? Or just a generic system bezel.
  4. I’m hoping I’m not the only person trying to simplify their build with Xbox 360 pc adapter and peripherals. I stumbled on this thread but I’m not that advance with coding or command prompts. Does this mean there might be a way to finally get FFB with a Xbox 360 wireless racing wheel?! https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/gaming/racing-wheel-and-force-feedback#using-force-feedback
  5. Would this work for teknoparrot? I launch the games and most are not native 1920x1080. I tried to mess with voodoo? I think its called it didn’t work for a lot of games for forcing a resolution changed. When I exit teknkparrot games Bigbox is now on my screen 2 marquee and can not be focused or maximized from task bar. Have to grab a mouse and physically drag it back to monitor 1 .
  6. Please see attachments. I took a pic of a few. The files are named specifically for each game. Placed in the teknkparrot emulator root folder. So no drive location is needed. Makes the install portable. I still had to configure and point the executables in UI. Any help or any insight would be appreciated. If you’d like to see other games ahk in particular lmk
  7. Hey guys. So I’m trying to expand my collections with a teknoparrot wheel. Got most of the games configured in the emulator, found a solution to run auto hotkey scripts to launch the games. When I exit a game my Bigbox , launchbox will disappear and move over to screen two ( marquee ) I have to drag Bigbox /LB back the primary screen after every game exit. Any suggestions or input would be appreciated
  8. It’s as for login information when you import or update metadata. You have the option of local databases or it’ll check emumovies if you sign into your account and only search for their stuff. There’s screens one for local database I guess LB community and the. Emu movies. I’ve since the. Gotten help for the community and resolved the bezel issues. I having to rename my arcade marquee files the same as my clear logos. It imports line I guess HS would recognize them. But LB/BB doesn’t see them so secondary is clear logo. I’ve now renamed my marquees Cleared cache all is well. Now just looking for random high res obscure marquees not Readily available
  9. These settings are alot better. Thanks for help. Im afraid to mess with it anymore and break something to fill the space. I found a generic bezel pack on emu. Is there a certain default folder for the generic aracde bezels or do i need to create a folder? Thanks again for your assistance.
  10. Thanks for the reply. I believe the default bezel for the games mentioned didn't account for dual screen at launch. I got some help in the noob section, appear to be working with the last revision the community. It doesn't completely fill the space but it works. Your tecmo bowl is pretty cool. I found a generic bezel pack on emu. Do i just dump this in the artwork folder. Or did I need to create folder for the games i want to those bezels for?
  11. I stumbled on this looking for solutions for a few vertical and horizontal dual screens . Going to try your Tecmobowl bezel first thing. do you have a horizontal bezel for cyber ball? Not 2049 but the OG two screen cyberball ? im having trouble getting bezels to work with arm wrestling , punch out and super punch out in mame.
  12. Yes sir looks like your rough draft does allow the game to run into dual over the top but it slimmed the image down. Any knowledge on what to tweak so it fill out the space it runs in without a bezel like the first pic in my post above.
  13. Right the game works & loads as dual screen lay out, but the bezel will not load automatically for those few games although a bezel downloaded. I can enable it through Mame, but the. It only uses one or the other screen with the bezel enabled. So it works like picture one as expected. I then enable bezel and then I have to chose either or screen to display. If I need to add more photos I can
  14. Thanks for the reply I’m not completely following your workaround? 1. Where does the bezel save by default if I used the newest LB download feature to use it? What’s the file path to the bezels/ config files? 2. I need to modify the config file for each game that having the issue? 3. am I change a setting to a 0 or 1 or true or false? What do I need to change? thanks for your replies and help.
  15. So the bezel project has a bezel for arm wrestling/ punch out but it won’t launch. It’s because of the config file? See visual support launch game. tab video options screen 0 select bezel then that happens. It can see the file that came from the project plug-in. But when enabled it goes full screen . It enables but reverts for the upper 4:3 screen as main when bezel enabled.
  16. Hey guys / gals so I ran the bezel prjwx integration it appears to have downloaded a lot of game themed bezels I’m running mame 239. I’ve noticed a few dual screens and vertical games won’t load a bezel and I’ve tried to enable in mame but it just changed the aspect . for example dual screen side view bezel won’t load cyberball( not cyberball 2072) tecmo bowl shows both screens on my display but no bezel vertical dual views that won’t load arm wrestling punch out super punch out I launch the game select tab video options if I select screen #0 bezel artwork it will enable but change the screens to 4:3 . I believe these games are set to dual over under so it fits on one screen but the bezel won’t launch with the games.
  17. So the bezels have downloaded but alot will not load and it will not revert to the generic mame? I’m running 0.239 set in mame. For explains punch out bezel won’t load or super punch out in mame. Anyone know if I need to delete exiting bezels and reinstall or what’s the sauce?
  18. I’ve had to try a few times . It’s downloaded a lot but half of the games will not run with a bezel at all. I can see the files for the game but when I launch it it won’t use the game specific or the default bezel.
  19. Did you end up writing any scripts or integrating the stream deck successfully?
  20. So say for example when you scroll and select stop on games the marquee also changes in Bigbox. Does your plugin No react in the same fashion? It will then select the appropriate named image from the designated folder when i start or launch a game? Not trying to be difficult i need the communities assistance 😊. I’ve been involved with testing of applications/ sites but not the design. I thank you for all for your efforts
  21. So it looks like I’m wanting to use the folder with flyer art front I believe. Your plug-in will not match the image while selecting like the marquee changes as you scroll? But it will find the appropriate images to display once the game is actually selected to be played?
  22. I think you’re wanting to pull off what I just inquired about in another thread. A 3rd monitor to display boxart/ flyer art/ animated folder art. Display specific to the game selected?
  23. Yes that’s correct it’s just a third monitor, a folder it’s being pointed to for specific media. Boxart, clipart, etc. I just got done renaming all my marquee artwork so BB sees it , I THINK that’s just a mame issue. But didn’t want to configure anymore platforms until I fix them all one at time. Have been seeing this kick panel and wanted to see if this is doable.
  24. http://www.paradoxarcades.com/video-kickplate Here’s an example. Sorry if my verbiage was not correct. It’s a video kick panel that displays/ box & clip art. I’m tryin to find a video of it in action. But maybe the above link give a little more clarity on my question. Sorry about that.
  25. Thanks for the reply. Have you tried this? Will it cause any chaos with latest BB? I have a marquee enabled with the existing plugin. Would love additional feature but don’t want to break anything. That why I stopped messing with HS 😊.
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